Study of the diffusion in gaseous state and molecular speeds

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. The chronometer is used in the experiment for:
    1. synchronization of the diffusion times;
    2. indication of the moment when we should pay attention to the experiment;
    3. extracting the information necessary to calculate the diffusion coefficients;
    4. to keep us busy;

  2. At the ends of the tube following equilibrium reactions occurs:
    1. HCl + H2O \=\ Cl- + H3O+
    2. H+ + HO- \=\ H2O
    3. H2O \=\ H+ + HO-
    4. NH3 + H2O \=\ NH4+ + HO-

  3. The fog observed during the experiment is due to:
    1. unproper illumination in the laboratory and our breathing;
    2. presence of the ammonia;
    3. our experiment designed to trap the product of the reaction;
    4. formation of ammonium chloride;

  4. As you concluded from the experiment, the molecules of a gas at equilibrium:
    1. all have same energy;
    2. are considered to be at the same temperature, but may have different speeds;
    3. all are moving in an arbitrary direction;
    4. all have same speed;

  5. We may say the followings:
    1. the molecules have speeds in all gaseous, liquid and solid states;
    2. the kinetic energy of a molecule is affected by temperature and pressure;
    3. diffusion process appears only in gaseous and liquid states;
    4. the molecules have speeds only in gaseous and liquid states;

Studiul difuziei in stare gazoasa si a vitezelor moleculare

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Cronometrul este utilizat īn experimentul pentru:
    1. sincronizarea timpilor de difuzie;
    2. indicarea momentului cānd trebuie sa se acorde atentie experimentului;
    3. extragerea informatiilor necesare pentru a calcula coeficientii de difuzie;
    4. sa ne tina ocupati;
    5. extragerea informatiilor necesare pentru calcularea raportului vitezelor;

  2. La capetele tubului urmatoarele reactii de echilibru apar:
    1. HCl + H2O \=\ Cl- + H3O+
    2. H+ + HO- \=\ H2O
    3. H2O \=\ H+ + HO-
    4. NH3 + H2O \ = \ NH4+ + HO-

  3. Ceata observata īn timpul experimentului se datoreaza:
    1. iluminarii necorespunzatoare īn laborator si respiratiei noastre;
    2. prezentei amoniacului;
    3. experimentului nostru proiectat pentru a captura produsul de reactie;
    4. formarea clorurii de amoniu;

  4. Asa cum s-a concluzionat din experiment, moleculele unui gaz la echilibru:
    1. toate au aceeasi energie;
    2. sunt considerate a fi la aceeasi temperatura, dar pot avea viteze diferite;
    3. toate se īndreapta īntr-o directie arbitrara;
    4. toate au aceeasi viteza;

  5. Va rugam sa decida cu adevarat / fals pentru urmatoarele afirmatii:
    1. moleculele au viteze īn toate starile gazoasa, lichida si solida;
    2. energia cinetica a unei molecule este afectata de temperatura si presiune;
    3. proces de difuzie apare numai īn stare gazoasa si lichida;
    4. moleculele au viteze numai īn stare gazoasa si lichida;

Study of the diffusion in gaseous state and molecular speeds

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. At the ends of the tube following equilibrium reactions occurs:
    1. NH4+ + Cl- \=\ NH4Cl
    2. H2O \=\ H+ + HO-
    3. NH3 + H2O \=\ NH4+ + HO-
    4. HCl + H2O \=\ Cl- + H3O+

  2. As you concluded from the experiment, the molecules of a gas at equilibrium:
    1. are considered to be at the same temperature, but may have different speeds;
    2. all have same speed;
    3. are considered to be at the same temperature, but may have different energies;
    4. all have same energy;

  3. The time to the formation of the ring in the experiment is dependent on:
    1. the propagation of the species as ions and not as neutral molecules;
    2. the mode energy or mode speed of each involved species;
    3. the average energy or average speed of each involved species;
    4. the length of the tube and not of the width of the tube;

  4. The fog observed during the experiment is due to:
    1. unproper illumination in the laboratory and our breathing;
    2. unproper illumination in the laboratory or our breathing;
    3. formation of ammonium chloride;
    4. our experiment designed to trap the product of the reaction;

  5. The chronometer is used in the experiment for:
    1. measuring of the diffusion time;
    2. indication of the moment when we should pay attention to the experiment;
    3. extracting the information necessary to calculate the speeds ratio;
    4. extracting the information necessary to calculate the diffusion coefficients;

Studiul difuziei in stare gazoasa si a vitezelor moleculare

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. La capetele tubului urmatoarele reactii de echilibru apar:
    1. NH4+ + Cl- \=\ NH4Cl
    2. H2O \=\ H+ + HO-
    3. NH3 + H2O \ = \ NH4+ + HO-
    4. HCl + H2O \=\ Cl- + H3O+

  2. Asa cum s-a concluzionat din experiment, moleculele unui gaz la echilibru:
    1. sunt considerate a fi la aceeasi temperatura, dar pot avea viteze diferite;
    2. toate au aceeasi viteza;
    3. sunt considerate a fi la aceeasi temperatura, dar pot avea diferite energii;
    4. toate au aceeasi energie;

  3. Timpul pentru formarea inelului īn experimentul este dependenta de:
    1. propagarea speciilor ca ionii si nu ca si molecule neutre;
    2. viteza la moda sau energia la moda a fiecarei specii implicate;
    3. energia medie sau viteza medie a fiecarei specii implicate;
    4. lungimea tubului si nu latimea tubului;
    5. vitezele reale si nu vitezele virtuale ale fiecarei specii implicate;

  4. Ceata observata īn timpul experimentului se datoreaza:
    1. iluminarii necorespunzatoare īn laborator si respiratiei noastre;
    2. iluminarii necorespunzatoare īn laborator sau respiratie noastre;
    3. formarea clorurii de amoniu;
    4. experimentului nostru proiectat pentru a captura produsul de reactie;

  5. Cronometrul este utilizat īn experimentul pentru:
    1. masurarea timpului de difuzie;
    2. indicarea momentului cānd trebuie sa se acorde atentie experimentului;
    3. extragerea informatiilor necesare pentru calcularea raportului vitezelor;
    4. extragerea informatiilor necesare pentru a calcula coeficientii de difuzie;
    5. sincronizarea timpilor de difuzie;

Study of the diffusion in gaseous state and molecular speeds

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. We may say the followings:
    1. the molecules have energy in all gaseous, liquid and solid states;
    2. the molecules have speeds only in gaseous and liquid states;
    3. the kinetic energy of a molecule is affected by temperature only;
    4. the molecules have speeds only in gaseous state;

  2. The time to the formation of the ring in the experiment is dependent on:
    1. the concentrations of the solutions used;
    2. the virtual speeds and not the real speeds of each involved species;
    3. the average energy or average speed of each involved species;
    4. the propagation of the species as neutral molecules and not as ions;

  3. The fog observed during the experiment is due to:
    1. presence of the ammonia;
    2. unproper illumination in the laboratory and our breathing;
    3. formation of ammonium chloride;
    4. our experiment designed to trap the product of the reaction;

  4. At the ends of the tube following equilibrium reactions occurs:
    1. H2O \=\ H+ + HO-
    2. HCl + H2O \=\ Cl- + H3O+
    3. H+ + HO- \=\ H2O
    4. NH3 + HCl \=\ NH4Cl

  5. As you concluded from the experiment, the molecules of a gas at equilibrium:
    1. are considered to be at the same temperature, but may have different energies;
    2. all are moving in the same direction;
    3. all have same energy;
    4. all are moving in an arbitrary direction;

Studiul difuziei in stare gazoasa si a vitezelor moleculare

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Va rugam sa decida cu adevarat / fals pentru urmatoarele afirmatii:
    1. moleculele au energie īn toate starile gazoasa, lichida si solida;
    2. moleculele au viteze numai īn stare gazoasa si lichida;
    3. energia cinetica a unei molecule este afectata de numai temperatura;
    4. moleculele au viteze numai īn stare gazoasa;

  2. Timpul pentru formarea inelului īn experimentul este dependenta de:
    1. concentratiile solutiilor utilizate;
    2. vitezele virtuale si nu vitezele reale ale fiecarei specii implicate;
    3. energia medie sau viteza medie a fiecarei specii implicate;
    4. propagarea speciilor ca si molecule neutre si nu ca si ioni;
    5. viteza de difuzie a fiecarei specii implicate;

  3. Ceata observata īn timpul experimentului se datoreaza:
    1. prezentei amoniacului;
    2. iluminarii necorespunzatoare īn laborator si respiratiei noastre;
    3. formarea clorurii de amoniu;
    4. experimentului nostru proiectat pentru a captura produsul de reactie;

  4. La capetele tubului urmatoarele reactii de echilibru apar:
    1. H2O \=\ H+ + HO-
    2. HCl + H2O \=\ Cl- + H3O+
    3. H+ + HO- \=\ H2O
    4. NH3 + HCl \=\ NH4Cl

  5. Asa cum s-a concluzionat din experiment, moleculele unui gaz la echilibru:
    1. sunt considerate a fi la aceeasi temperatura, dar pot avea diferite energii;
    2. toate se deplaseaza īn aceeasi directie;
    3. toate au aceeasi energie;
    4. toate se īndreapta īntr-o directie arbitrara;

Study of the diffusion in gaseous state and molecular speeds

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. At the ends of the tube following equilibrium reactions occurs:
    1. HCl + H2O \=\ Cl- + H3O+
    2. H2O \=\ H+ + HO-
    3. NH3 + H2O \=\ NH4+ + HO-
    4. NH3 + HCl \=\ NH4Cl

  2. As you concluded from the experiment, the molecules of a gas at equilibrium:
    1. are considered to be at the same temperature, but may have different speeds;
    2. are considered to be at the same temperature, but may have different energies;
    3. all have same speed;
    4. all are moving in an arbitrary direction;

  3. The time to the formation of the ring in the experiment is dependent on:
    1. the average energy or average speed of each involved species;
    2. the speed of diffusion of each involved species;
    3. the length of the tube and the width of the tube;
    4. the propagation of the species as neutral molecules and not as ions;

  4. The chronometer is used in the experiment for:
    1. to keep us busy;
    2. extracting the information necessary to calculate the speeds ratio;
    3. synchronization of the diffusion times;
    4. indication of the moment when we should pay attention to the experiment;

  5. The fog observed during the experiment is due to:
    1. presence of the chlorine;
    2. unproper illumination in the laboratory and our breathing;
    3. presence of the ammonia;
    4. unproper illumination in the laboratory or our breathing;

Studiul difuziei in stare gazoasa si a vitezelor moleculare

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. La capetele tubului urmatoarele reactii de echilibru apar:
    1. HCl + H2O \=\ Cl- + H3O+
    2. H2O \=\ H+ + HO-
    3. NH3 + H2O \ = \ NH4+ + HO-
    4. NH3 + HCl \=\ NH4Cl

  2. Asa cum s-a concluzionat din experiment, moleculele unui gaz la echilibru:
    1. sunt considerate a fi la aceeasi temperatura, dar pot avea viteze diferite;
    2. sunt considerate a fi la aceeasi temperatura, dar pot avea diferite energii;
    3. toate au aceeasi viteza;
    4. toate se īndreapta īntr-o directie arbitrara;

  3. Timpul pentru formarea inelului īn experimentul este dependenta de:
    1. energia medie sau viteza medie a fiecarei specii implicate;
    2. viteza de difuzie a fiecarei specii implicate;
    3. lungimea tubului si latimea tubului;
    4. propagarea speciilor ca si molecule neutre si nu ca si ioni;

  4. Cronometrul este utilizat īn experimentul pentru:
    1. sa ne tina ocupati;
    2. extragerea informatiilor necesare pentru calcularea raportului vitezelor;
    3. sincronizarea timpilor de difuzie;
    4. indicarea momentului cānd trebuie sa se acorde atentie experimentului;
    5. extragerea informatiilor necesare pentru a calcula coeficientii de difuzie;

  5. Ceata observata īn timpul experimentului se datoreaza:
    1. prezentei clorului;
    2. iluminarii necorespunzatoare īn laborator si respiratiei noastre;
    3. prezentei amoniacului;
    4. iluminarii necorespunzatoare īn laborator sau respiratie noastre;
    5. experimentului nostru proiectat pentru a captura produsul de reactie;

Study of the diffusion in gaseous state and molecular speeds

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. The fog observed during the experiment is due to:
    1. unproper illumination in the laboratory or our breathing;
    2. unproper illumination in the laboratory and our breathing;
    3. presence of the ammonia;
    4. formation of ammonium chloride;

  2. At the ends of the tube following equilibrium reactions occurs:
    1. NH4+ + Cl- \=\ NH4Cl
    2. NH3 + HCl \=\ NH4Cl
    3. H+ + HO- \=\ H2O
    4. NH3 + H2O \=\ NH4+ + HO-

  3. As you concluded from the experiment, the molecules of a gas at equilibrium:
    1. all are moving in the same direction;
    2. all have same energy;
    3. are considered to be at the same temperature, but may have different speeds;
    4. all have same speed;

  4. The position of the ring in the experiment is dependent on:
    1. the concentrations of the solutions used;
    2. the length of the tube and not of the width of the tube;
    3. the average energy or average speed of each involved species;
    4. the length of the tube and the width of the tube;

  5. We may say the followings:
    1. diffusion process appears only in gaseous state;
    2. the molecules have speeds only in gaseous state;
    3. the molecules have energy only in gaseous and liquid states;
    4. diffusion process appears in all gaseous, liquid and solid states;

Studiul difuziei in stare gazoasa si a vitezelor moleculare

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Ceata observata īn timpul experimentului se datoreaza:
    1. iluminarii necorespunzatoare īn laborator sau respiratie noastre;
    2. iluminarii necorespunzatoare īn laborator si respiratiei noastre;
    3. prezentei amoniacului;
    4. formarea clorurii de amoniu;
    5. prezentei clorului;

  2. La capetele tubului urmatoarele reactii de echilibru apar:
    1. NH4+ + Cl- \=\ NH4Cl
    2. NH3 + HCl \=\ NH4Cl
    3. H+ + HO- \=\ H2O
    4. NH3 + H2O \ = \ NH4+ + HO-
    5. H2O \=\ H+ + HO-

  3. Asa cum s-a concluzionat din experiment, moleculele unui gaz la echilibru:
    1. toate se deplaseaza īn aceeasi directie;
    2. toate au aceeasi energie;
    3. sunt considerate a fi la aceeasi temperatura, dar pot avea viteze diferite;
    4. toate au aceeasi viteza;
    5. toate se īndreapta īntr-o directie arbitrara;

  4. Pozitia inelului īn experimentul este dependenta de:
    1. concentratiile solutiilor utilizate;
    2. lungimea tubului si nu latimea tubului;
    3. energia medie sau viteza medie a fiecarei specii implicate;
    4. lungimea tubului si latimea tubului;
    5. viteza la moda sau energia la moda a fiecarei specii implicate;

  5. Va rugam sa decida cu adevarat / fals pentru urmatoarele afirmatii:
    1. proces de difuzie apare numai īn stare gazoasa;
    2. moleculele au viteze numai īn stare gazoasa;
    3. moleculele au energie numai īn stare gazoasa si lichida;
    4. proces de difuzie apare īn toate starile gazoasa, lichida si solida;

Obtaining of the oxygen: study of the gases laws

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. A state equation for a real gas is:
    1. usable in the laboratory, but is not to be used somewhere else;
    2. a relation between an unlimited number of state parameters;
    3. a relation which is always true, independent of the values of the state parameters;
    4. a relation which may involve some constants dependent of gas composition;

  2. The values taken from the experiment conducted in the laboratory indicated that:
    1. the ideal model of a gas approximated the worst the behavior of the released gas;
    2. oxigen were released as result of the decomposition;
    3. the ideal model of a gas approximated the best the behavior of the released gas;
    4. as more simple the model is used to approximate the behavior, as best agreement is obtained;

  3. For gaseous state:
    1. the pressure is exactly the same as in liquid state;
    2. the pressure is much higher than in liquid state;
    3. the pressure is unchanged when a chemical reaction occurs;
    4. it exists an equation for all, p · V = n · R · T;

  4. Based on our experience after conducting the experiment, we may say that the oxygen can be obtained from:
    1. K2Cr2O7 -> K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2;
    2. opening a bubble water bottle;
    3. H2O2 -> H2O + O2;
    4. Ag2O -> Ag + O2;

  5. In the laboratory were studied:
    1. decomposition of the potasium chlorate to potasium chloride when ozone is released;
    2. decomposition of the potasium chloride to potasium chlorate when ozone is released;
    3. decomposition of the potasium chlorate to potasium chloride when oxygen is released;
    4. increasing of the temperature of a solid mass when was heated;

Obtinerea oxigenului: studiul legilor gazelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. O ecuatie de stare pentru un gaz real este:
    1. utilizabila īn laborator, dar nu este de a fi utilizata īn alta parte;
    2. o relatie īntre un numar nelimitat de parametri de stare;
    3. o relatie care este īntotdeauna adevarata, independent de valorile parametrilor de stare;
    4. o relatie care poate implica unele constante dependente de compozitia gazului;

  2. Valorile luate din experimentul efectuat īn laborator au indicat ca:
    1. modelul ideal al unui gaz aproximeaza cel mai rau comportamentul gazului eliberat;
    2. oxigenul au fost eliberat ca urmare a descompunerii;
    3. modelul ideal al unui gaz aproximeaza cel mai bine comportamentul gazului eliberat;
    4. cu cat mai simplu este modelul folosit pentru a aproxima comportamentul, cu atat este mai bun este agrementul;

  3. Pentru stare gazoasa:
    1. presiunea este exact la fel ca si īn stare lichida;
    2. presiunea este mult mai mare decāt īn stare lichida;
    3. presiunea este neschimbata cānd apare o reactie chimica;
    4. ca exista o ecuatie utilizabila mereu, p · V = n · R · T;

  4. Pe baza experientei noastre dupa efectuarea experimentului, putem spune ca oxigenul poate fi obtinut din:
    1. K2Cr2O7 -> K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2;
    2. deschiderea unei sticle de apa cu bule;
    3. H2O2 -> H2O + O2;
    4. Ag2O -> Ag + O2;
    5. Ag + O2 -> Ag2O;

  5. Īn laborator s-au studiat:
    1. descompunerea cloratului de potasiu la clorura de potasiu cānd ozonul este eliberat;
    2. descompunerea clorurii de potasiu la cloratul de potasiu cānd ozonul este eliberat;
    3. descompunerea cloratului de potasiu la clorura de potasiu cānd oxigenul este eliberat;
    4. cresterea temperaturii unei mase solide cānd s-a īncalzit;
    5. pierdut din masa de solid ca urmare a producerii unor gaze;

Obtaining of the oxygen: study of the gases laws

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. A state equation for a real gas is:
    1. a relation obtained after conducting of the experiment;
    2. a relation which takes into account certain deviations from the ideal model;
    3. usable in the laboratory, but is not to be used somewhere else;
    4. a relation which is always true, independent of the values of the state parameters;

  2. Based on our experience after conducting the experiment, we may say that the oxygen can be obtained from:
    1. H2O + O2 -> H2O2;
    2. KNO3 -> KNO2 + O2;
    3. distillation of the liquid air;
    4. K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2 -> K2Cr2O7;

  3. In the laboratory were studied:
    1. the obtaining of the oxygen, by using the reaction KClO3 (+MnO2, heat) -> KCl + O2;
    2. increasing of the temperature of a solid mass when was heated;
    3. the obtaining of the oxygen, by using the reaction KClO3 (+MnO2, heat) -> KCl + O3;
    4. the lost of the mass of a solid as result of producing of some gas;

  4. The values taken from the experiment conducted in the laboratory indicated that:
    1. the ideal model of a gas approximated the worst the behavior of the released gas;
    2. we do not possess enough information to decide what gas was released from the reaction;
    3. the ideal model of a gas approximated the best the behavior of the released gas;
    4. air were released as result of the decomposition;

  5. For gaseous state:
    1. the pressure is much lower than in liquid state;
    2. the pressure is exactly the same as in liquid state;
    3. the pressure is approximately the same as in liquid state;
    4. the pressure is much higher than in liquid state;

Obtinerea oxigenului: studiul legilor gazelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. O ecuatie de stare pentru un gaz real este:
    1. o relatie obtinut dupa efectuarea experimentului;
    2. o relatie care sa tina cont de anumite abateri de la modelul ideal;
    3. utilizabila īn laborator, dar nu este de a fi utilizata īn alta parte;
    4. o relatie care este īntotdeauna adevarata, independent de valorile parametrilor de stare;

  2. Pe baza experientei noastre dupa efectuarea experimentului, putem spune ca oxigenul poate fi obtinut din:
    1. H2O + O2 -> H2O2;
    2. KNO3 -> KNO2 + O2;
    3. distilarea aerului lichid;
    4. K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2 -> K2Cr2O7;

  3. Īn laborator s-au studiat:
    1. obtinerea de oxigen, folosind reactia KClO3(+ MnO2, caldura) -> KCl + O2;
    2. cresterea temperaturii unei mase solide cānd s-a īncalzit;
    3. obtinerea de oxigen, folosind reactia KClO3(+ MnO2, caldura) -> KCl + O3;
    4. pierdut din masa de solid ca urmare a producerii unor gaze;

  4. Valorile luate din experimentul efectuat īn laborator au indicat ca:
    1. modelul ideal al unui gaz aproximeaza cel mai rau comportamentul gazului eliberat;
    2. nu avem suficiente informatii pentru a decide ce gaz a fost eliberat din reactie;
    3. modelul ideal al unui gaz aproximeaza cel mai bine comportamentul gazului eliberat;
    4. aer a fost eliberat ca urmare a descompunerii;

  5. Pentru stare gazoasa:
    1. presiunea este mult mai mica decāt īn stare lichida;
    2. presiunea este exact la fel ca si īn stare lichida;
    3. presiunea este aproximativ aceeasi ca si īn stare lichida;
    4. presiunea este mult mai mare decāt īn stare lichida;
    5. ca exista o ecuatie utilizabila mereu, p · V = n · R · T;

Obtaining of the oxygen: study of the gases laws

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. A state equation for a real gas is:
    1. a relation derived to approximate the relation between state parameters;
    2. a relation which takes into account certain deviations from the ideal model;
    3. usable in the laboratory, but is not to be used somewhere else;
    4. a relation which may involve some constants dependent of gas composition;

  2. In the laboratory were studied:
    1. decomposition of the potasium chlorate to potasium chloride when ozone is released;
    2. increasing of the pressure of a gas when was heated;
    3. decomposition of the potasium chlorate to potasium chloride when oxygen is released;
    4. decomposition of the potasium chloride to potasium chlorate when oxygen is released;

  3. For gaseous state:
    1. the pressure is much higher than in liquid state;
    2. it exists an equation for all, p · V = n · R · T;
    3. we need to take supplementary precautions in the laboratory;
    4. the pressure is subject to change when a chemical reaction occurs;

  4. Based on our experience after conducting the experiment, we may say that the oxygen can be obtained from:
    1. KMnO4 -> K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2;
    2. K2Cr2O7 -> K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2;
    3. KCl + O2 -> KClO3;
    4. opening a bubble water bottle;

  5. The values taken from the experiment conducted in the laboratory indicated that:
    1. oxigen were released as result of the decomposition;
    2. as more simple the model is used to approximate the behavior, as best agreement is obtained;
    3. the ideal model of a gas approximated the best the behavior of the released gas;
    4. we do not possess enough information to decide what gas was released from the reaction;

Obtinerea oxigenului: studiul legilor gazelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. O ecuatie de stare pentru un gaz real este:
    1. o relatie derivata pentru a aproxima relatia dintre parametrii de stare;
    2. o relatie care sa tina cont de anumite abateri de la modelul ideal;
    3. utilizabila īn laborator, dar nu este de a fi utilizata īn alta parte;
    4. o relatie care poate implica unele constante dependente de compozitia gazului;

  2. Īn laborator s-au studiat:
    1. descompunerea cloratului de potasiu la clorura de potasiu cānd ozonul este eliberat;
    2. cresterea presiunii unui gaz cānd s-a īncalzit;
    3. descompunerea cloratului de potasiu la clorura de potasiu cānd oxigenul este eliberat;
    4. descompunerea clorurii de potasiu la cloratul de potasiu cānd oxigenul este eliberat;
    5. cresterea temperaturii unei mase solide cānd s-a īncalzit;

  3. Pentru stare gazoasa:
    1. presiunea este mult mai mare decāt īn stare lichida;
    2. ca exista o ecuatie utilizabila mereu, p · V = n · R · T;
    3. avem nevoie pentru a lua masuri de precautie suplimentare īn laborator;
    4. presiunea se pot modifica atunci cānd apare o reactie chimica;
    5. presiunea este exact la fel ca si īn stare lichida;

  4. Pe baza experientei noastre dupa efectuarea experimentului, putem spune ca oxigenul poate fi obtinut din:
    1. KMnO4 -> K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2;
    2. K2Cr2O7 -> K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2;
    3. KCl + O2 -> KClO3;
    4. deschiderea unei sticle de apa cu bule;

  5. Valorile luate din experimentul efectuat īn laborator au indicat ca:
    1. oxigenul au fost eliberat ca urmare a descompunerii;
    2. cu cat mai simplu este modelul folosit pentru a aproxima comportamentul, cu atat este mai bun este agrementul;
    3. modelul ideal al unui gaz aproximeaza cel mai bine comportamentul gazului eliberat;
    4. nu avem suficiente informatii pentru a decide ce gaz a fost eliberat din reactie;

Obtaining of the oxygen: study of the gases laws

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. For gaseous state:
    1. the pressure depends on the model which are used to approximate it;
    2. the pressure is subject to change when a chemical reaction occurs;
    3. we need to take supplementary precautions in the laboratory;
    4. the pressure is much higher than in liquid state;

  2. Based on our experience after conducting the experiment, we may say that the oxygen can be obtained from:
    1. KNO3 -> KNO2 + O2;
    2. K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2 -> K2Cr2O7;
    3. K2Cr2O7 -> K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2;
    4. Ag2O -> Ag + O2;

  3. In the laboratory were studied:
    1. the lost of the mass of a solid as result of producing of some gas;
    2. increasing of the temperature of a solid mass when was heated;
    3. the producing of some gas as result of a lost of the mass of a solid;
    4. increasing of the pressure of a gas when was heated;

  4. The values taken from the experiment conducted in the laboratory indicated that:
    1. ozone were released as result of the decomposition;
    2. the ideal model of a gas approximated the best the behavior of the released gas;
    3. as more complex the model is used to approximate the behavior, as best agreement is obtained;
    4. oxigen were released as result of the decomposition;

  5. A state equation for a real gas is:
    1. a relation obtained after conducting of the experiment;
    2. a relation which may involve some constants dependent of gas composition;
    3. a relation derived to approximate the relation between state parameters;
    4. a relation which is always true, independent of the values of the state parameters;

Obtinerea oxigenului: studiul legilor gazelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Pentru stare gazoasa:
    1. presiunea depinde de modelul care este utilizat pentru o aproxima;
    2. presiunea se pot modifica atunci cānd apare o reactie chimica;
    3. avem nevoie pentru a lua masuri de precautie suplimentare īn laborator;
    4. presiunea este mult mai mare decāt īn stare lichida;

  2. Pe baza experientei noastre dupa efectuarea experimentului, putem spune ca oxigenul poate fi obtinut din:
    1. KNO3 -> KNO2 + O2;
    2. K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2 -> K2Cr2O7;
    3. K2Cr2O7 -> K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2;
    4. Ag2O -> Ag + O2;

  3. Īn laborator s-au studiat:
    1. pierdut din masa de solid ca urmare a producerii unor gaze;
    2. cresterea temperaturii unei mase solide cānd s-a īncalzit;
    3. producerea unor gaze ca urmare a unei pierderi de masa a unui solid;
    4. cresterea presiunii unui gaz cānd s-a īncalzit;
    5. descompunerea clorurii de potasiu la cloratul de potasiu cānd oxigenul este eliberat;

  4. Valorile luate din experimentul efectuat īn laborator au indicat ca:
    1. ozonul au fost eliberat ca urmare a descompunerii;
    2. modelul ideal al unui gaz aproximeaza cel mai bine comportamentul gazului eliberat;
    3. cu cat mai complex este modelul folosit pentru a aproxima comportamentul, cu atat este mai bun este agrementul;
    4. oxigenul au fost eliberat ca urmare a descompunerii;
    5. modelul ideal al unui gaz aproximeaza cel mai rau comportamentul gazului eliberat;

  5. O ecuatie de stare pentru un gaz real este:
    1. o relatie obtinut dupa efectuarea experimentului;
    2. o relatie care poate implica unele constante dependente de compozitia gazului;
    3. o relatie derivata pentru a aproxima relatia dintre parametrii de stare;
    4. o relatie care este īntotdeauna adevarata, independent de valorile parametrilor de stare;

Obtaining of the oxygen: study of the gases laws

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. In the laboratory were studied:
    1. decomposition of the potasium chlorate to potasium chloride when oxygen is released;
    2. decomposition of the potasium chloride to potasium chlorate when ozone is released;
    3. increasing of the temperature of a solid mass when was heated;
    4. the lost of the mass of a solid as result of producing of some gas;

  2. Based on our experience after conducting the experiment, we may say that the oxygen can be obtained from:
    1. K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2 -> K2Cr2O7;
    2. K2Cr2O7 -> K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2;
    3. distillation of the liquid air;
    4. H2O2 -> H2O + O2;

  3. For gaseous state:
    1. the pressure depends on the model which are used to approximate it;
    2. the pressure is much lower than in liquid state;
    3. it exists an equation for all, p · V = n · R · T;
    4. the pressure is unchanged when a chemical reaction occurs;

  4. The values taken from the experiment conducted in the laboratory indicated that:
    1. air were released as result of the decomposition;
    2. ozone were released as result of the decomposition;
    3. the ideal model of a gas approximated the best the behavior of the released gas;
    4. oxigen were released as result of the decomposition;

  5. A state equation for a real gas is:
    1. a relation which may involve some constants dependent of gas composition;
    2. usable in the laboratory, but is not to be used somewhere else;
    3. a relation between an certain number of state parameters;
    4. a relation which takes into account certain deviations from the ideal model;

Obtinerea oxigenului: studiul legilor gazelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Īn laborator s-au studiat:
    1. descompunerea cloratului de potasiu la clorura de potasiu cānd oxigenul este eliberat;
    2. descompunerea clorurii de potasiu la cloratul de potasiu cānd ozonul este eliberat;
    3. cresterea temperaturii unei mase solide cānd s-a īncalzit;
    4. pierdut din masa de solid ca urmare a producerii unor gaze;

  2. Pe baza experientei noastre dupa efectuarea experimentului, putem spune ca oxigenul poate fi obtinut din:
    1. K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2 -> K2Cr2O7;
    2. K2Cr2O7 -> K2CrO4 + Cr2O3 + O2;
    3. distilarea aerului lichid;
    4. H2O2 -> H2O + O2;
    5. Ag + O2 -> Ag2O;

  3. Pentru stare gazoasa:
    1. presiunea depinde de modelul care este utilizat pentru o aproxima;
    2. presiunea este mult mai mica decāt īn stare lichida;
    3. ca exista o ecuatie utilizabila mereu, p · V = n · R · T;
    4. presiunea este neschimbata cānd apare o reactie chimica;

  4. Valorile luate din experimentul efectuat īn laborator au indicat ca:
    1. aer a fost eliberat ca urmare a descompunerii;
    2. ozonul au fost eliberat ca urmare a descompunerii;
    3. modelul ideal al unui gaz aproximeaza cel mai bine comportamentul gazului eliberat;
    4. oxigenul au fost eliberat ca urmare a descompunerii;
    5. cu cat mai complex este modelul folosit pentru a aproxima comportamentul, cu atat este mai bun este agrementul;

  5. O ecuatie de stare pentru un gaz real este:
    1. o relatie care poate implica unele constante dependente de compozitia gazului;
    2. utilizabila īn laborator, dar nu este de a fi utilizata īn alta parte;
    3. o relatie īntre un anumit numar de parametri de stare;
    4. o relatie care sa tina cont de anumite abateri de la modelul ideal;
    5. o relatie care este īntotdeauna adevarata, independent de valorile parametrilor de stare;

Qualitative analysis of metals and alloys

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. When the electrical circuit is closed:
    1. surface of the sample is fastly covered by a protecting shield of electrons;
    2. cations from the solution are passed into sample as metals;
    3. elements from the metals are passed into solution as anions;
    4. water dissociation is inhibited;

  2. The electric charges after passing the metals into solution may be:
    1. Fe2+; Co2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Al3+
    2. Fe2+; Pb2+; Sn4+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    3. Fe2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    4. dependent on the intensity of the current applied to the electrograf and composition of the metal alloy;

  3. This method of analysis of metals and alloys is:
    1. useful for both metals and alloys;
    2. useful for pure metals, not so useful for alloys;
    3. too ancient to be used today in the laboratory;
    4. a gravimetric method of analysis;

  4. When aluminum is identified:
    1. using of alizarin along with ammonium hidroxide provide a red colored complex;
    2. the presence of other ions may produce a false negative outcome;
    3. only one identification reaction is possible;
    4. is identified as Al3+ cation;

  5. When lead is identified:
    1. a violet complex appears;
    2. a red-brown complex appears;
    3. interference of other ions may affect the outcome;
    4. a heat release is observed;

Analiza calitativa a metalelor si aliajelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Cānd circuitul electric este īnchis:
    1. suprafata probei este cu rapiditate acoperita de un strat protector de electroni;
    2. cationii din solutie sunt trecuti īn proba ca metale;
    3. elemente din metalele sunt trecute īn solutie sub forma de anioni;
    4. disocierea apei este inhibata;
    5. elemente din solutie sunt trecute īn proba ca metale;

  2. Sarcinile electrice ce apar la trecerea metalelor īn solutie pot fi:
    1. Fe2+; Co2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Al3+
    2. Fe2+; Pb2+; Sn4+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    3. Fe2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    4. dependente de intensitatea curentului aplicat la electrograf si compozitia aliajului metalic;

  3. Aceasta metoda de analiza de metale si aliaje este:
    1. utila atāt pentru metale si aliaje;
    2. utila pentru metale pure, nu atāt de utila pentru aliaje;
    3. prea veche pentru a fi utilizata īn prezent īn laborator;
    4. o metoda gravimetrica de analiza;
    5. utila pentru aliaje, nu atāt de utila pentru metale;

  4. Cānd aluminiu este identificat:
    1. folosirea alizarinei, īmpreuna cu hidroxidul de amoniu ofera un complex colorat rosu;
    2. prezenta altor ioni poate produce un rezultat fals negativ;
    3. doar o reactie de identificare este posibila;
    4. este identificat ca cationul Al3+;
    5. prezenta altor ioni poate produce un rezultat fals pozitiv;

  5. Cānd plumbul este identificat:
    1. apare un complex violet;
    2. apare un complex rosu-brun;
    3. interferenta altor ioni poate afecta rezultatul;
    4. se observa o eliberare de caldura;

Qualitative analysis of metals and alloys

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. The electric charges after passing the metals into solution may be:
    1. Fe2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    2. Fe2+; Co2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Al3+
    3. Fe2+; Ni4+; Cu1+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    4. Fe2+; Ni1+; Cu1+; Zn3+; Co2+; Cr6+

  2. When lead is identified:
    1. the reactions used clearly indicates its presence;
    2. a red-brown complex appears;
    3. a heat release is observed;
    4. interference of other ions may affect the outcome;

  3. The paper requires before analysis of the sample:
    1. to be burned;
    2. to measure its surface;
    3. to be dry;
    4. to be moistened with an electrolyte;

  4. When aluminum is identified:
    1. is identified as Al3+ cation;
    2. using of alizarin along with ammonium hidroxide provide a more selective indication about the presence of aluminum;
    3. the presence of other ions may produce a true positive outcome;
    4. the presence of other ions may produce a true negative outcome;

  5. When the electrical circuit is closed:
    1. anions from the solution are passed into sample as metals;
    2. electric current avoids the sample and the paper;
    3. water dissociation is inhibited;
    4. elements from the metals are passed into solution as cations;

Analiza calitativa a metalelor si aliajelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Sarcinile electrice ce apar la trecerea metalelor īn solutie pot fi:
    1. Fe2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    2. Fe2+; Co2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Al3+
    3. Fe2+; Ni4+; Cu1+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    4. Fe2+; Ni1+; Cu1+; Zn3+; Co2+; Cr6+

  2. Cānd plumbul este identificat:
    1. reactiile utilizate īn mod clar ii indica prezenta;
    2. apare un complex rosu-brun;
    3. se observa o eliberare de caldura;
    4. interferenta altor ioni poate afecta rezultatul;
    5. apare un complex albastru;

  3. Hartia necesita ca īnainte de analiza probei:
    1. sa fie arsa;
    2. sa i se masoare suprafata;
    3. sa fie uscata;
    4. sa fie umezita cu un electrolit;

  4. Cānd aluminiu este identificat:
    1. este identificat ca cationul Al3+;
    2. folosirea alizarinei, īmpreuna cu hidroxidul de amoniu ofera un indiciu mai selectiv cu privire la prezenta aluminiului;
    3. prezenta altor ioni poate produce un rezultat adevarat pozitiv;
    4. prezenta altor ioni poate produce un rezultat adevarat negativ;
    5. folosirea hidroxidului de amoniu este suficient pentru a avea indicii clare cu privire la prezenta aluminiului;

  5. Cānd circuitul electric este īnchis:
    1. anionii din solutie sunt trecuti īn proba ca metale;
    2. curent electric evita proba si hārtia;
    3. disocierea apei este inhibata;
    4. elementele din metalele sunt trecute īn solutie sub forma de cationi;

Qualitative analysis of metals and alloys

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. When lead is identified:
    1. a blue complex appears;
    2. a yellow complex appears;
    3. a heat release is observed;
    4. interference of other ions may affect the outcome;

  2. The electric charges after passing the metals into solution may be:
    1. Fe2+; Ni3+; Cu1+; Zn3+; Co3+; Cr2+
    2. Fe2+; Pb2+; Sn4+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    3. Fe2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    4. Fe2+; Ni4+; Cu1+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+

  3. This method of analysis of metals and alloys is:
    1. too ancient to be used today in the laboratory;
    2. useful for pure metals, not so useful for alloys;
    3. a destructive method of analysis;
    4. a nondestructive method of analysis;

  4. When aluminum is identified:
    1. the presence of other ions may produce a true negative outcome;
    2. is identified as Al2+ cation;
    3. the presence of other ions may produce a false negative outcome;
    4. is identified as Al1+ cation;

  5. When the electrical circuit is closed:
    1. cations from the solution are passed into sample as metals;
    2. electric current avoids the sample and the paper;
    3. surface of the sample is fastly covered by a protecting shield of electrons;
    4. anions from the solution are passed into sample as metals;

Analiza calitativa a metalelor si aliajelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Cānd plumbul este identificat:
    1. apare un complex albastru;
    2. apare un complex galben;
    3. se observa o eliberare de caldura;
    4. interferenta altor ioni poate afecta rezultatul;

  2. Sarcinile electrice ce apar la trecerea metalelor īn solutie pot fi:
    1. Fe2+; Ni3+; Cu1+; Zn3+; Co3+; Cr2+
    2. Fe2+; Pb2+; Sn4+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    3. Fe2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    4. Fe2+; Ni4+; Cu1+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    5. dependente de intensitatea curentului aplicat la electrograf si compozitia aliajului metalic;

  3. Aceasta metoda de analiza de metale si aliaje este:
    1. prea veche pentru a fi utilizata īn prezent īn laborator;
    2. utila pentru metale pure, nu atāt de utila pentru aliaje;
    3. o metoda distructiva de analiza;
    4. o metoda nedistructiva de analiza;

  4. Cānd aluminiu este identificat:
    1. prezenta altor ioni poate produce un rezultat adevarat negativ;
    2. este identificat ca cationul Al2+;
    3. prezenta altor ioni poate produce un rezultat fals negativ;
    4. este identificat ca cationul Al1+;

  5. Cānd circuitul electric este īnchis:
    1. cationii din solutie sunt trecuti īn proba ca metale;
    2. curent electric evita proba si hārtia;
    3. suprafata probei este cu rapiditate acoperita de un strat protector de electroni;
    4. anionii din solutie sunt trecuti īn proba ca metale;
    5. elemente din solutie sunt trecute īn proba ca metale;

Qualitative analysis of metals and alloys

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. When aluminum is identified:
    1. using of alizarin along with ammonium hidroxide provide a more selective indication about the presence of aluminum;
    2. the presence of other ions may produce a false positive outcome;
    3. only one identification reaction is possible;
    4. using of alizarin along with ammonium hidroxide provide a red colored complex;

  2. The electric charges after passing the metals into solution may be:
    1. Fe2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    2. Fe2+; Pb2+; Sn4+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    3. Fe3+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    4. Fe2+; Co2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Al3+

  3. When lead is identified:
    1. the reactions used clearly indicates its presence;
    2. interference of other ions may affect the outcome;
    3. dangerous substances are used;
    4. a violet complex appears;

  4. Why moisten the paper with solution of sodium nitrate?
    1. for the paper to work as isolator;
    2. to accomodate ourselves to use chemicals;
    3. to work as an electrolyte and to allow passing of the electrical current through moistened paper;
    4. for stopping after a while the chemical reaction that takes place;

  5. The paper requires before analysis of the sample:
    1. to be burned;
    2. to be acidified;
    3. to measure its surface;
    4. to be moistened with an electrolyte;

Analiza calitativa a metalelor si aliajelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Cānd aluminiu este identificat:
    1. folosirea alizarinei, īmpreuna cu hidroxidul de amoniu ofera un indiciu mai selectiv cu privire la prezenta aluminiului;
    2. prezenta altor ioni poate produce un rezultat fals pozitiv;
    3. doar o reactie de identificare este posibila;
    4. folosirea alizarinei, īmpreuna cu hidroxidul de amoniu ofera un complex colorat rosu;
    5. prezenta altor ioni poate produce un rezultat fals negativ;

  2. Sarcinile electrice ce apar la trecerea metalelor īn solutie pot fi:
    1. Fe2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    2. Fe2+; Pb2+; Sn4+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    3. Fe3+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    4. Fe2+; Co2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Al3+
    5. Fe2+; Ni3+; Cu1+; Zn3+; Co3+; Cr2+

  3. Cānd plumbul este identificat:
    1. reactiile utilizate īn mod clar ii indica prezenta;
    2. interferenta altor ioni poate afecta rezultatul;
    3. sunt utilizate substante periculoase;
    4. apare un complex violet;

  4. De ce umezim hārtia cu solutie de azotat de sodiu?
    1. pentru ca hartia sa actioneze ca izolator;
    2. sa ne acomodam in a utiliza substante chimice;
    3. pentru a lucra ca un electrolit si pentru a permite trecerea de curent electric prin hārtia umezita;
    4. pentru oprirea dupa un timp reactiei chimice care are loc;
    5. sa fie taiat cu usurinta cu foarfeca;

  5. Hartia necesita ca īnainte de analiza probei:
    1. sa fie arsa;
    2. sa fie acidulata;
    3. sa i se masoare suprafata;
    4. sa fie umezita cu un electrolit;

Qualitative analysis of metals and alloys

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. This method of analysis of metals and alloys is:
    1. a quantitative method of analysis;
    2. a gravimetric method of analysis;
    3. a destructive method of analysis;
    4. useful for alloys, not so useful for metals;

  2. The electric charges after passing the metals into solution may be:
    1. Fe3+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    2. Fe2+; Ni1+; Cu1+; Zn3+; Co2+; Cr6+
    3. Fe2+; Ni4+; Cu1+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    4. Fe2+; Pb2+; Sn4+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+

  3. When the electrical circuit is closed:
    1. water dissociation is inhibited;
    2. surface of the sample is fastly covered by a protecting shield of electrons;
    3. electric current avoids the sample and the paper;
    4. electric current passes the sample and the paper;

  4. The paper requires before analysis of the sample:
    1. to measure its surface;
    2. to be cut in small pieces;
    3. to be tested;
    4. to be weighted;

  5. Why moisten the paper with solution of sodium nitrate?
    1. to be cut easily with scissors;
    2. for stopping after a while the chemical reaction that takes place;
    3. to provide cations for analysis;
    4. for the paper to work as isolator;

Analiza calitativa a metalelor si aliajelor

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Aceasta metoda de analiza de metale si aliaje este:
    1. o metoda cantitativa de analiza;
    2. o metoda gravimetrica de analiza;
    3. o metoda distructiva de analiza;
    4. utila pentru aliaje, nu atāt de utila pentru metale;

  2. Sarcinile electrice ce apar la trecerea metalelor īn solutie pot fi:
    1. Fe3+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+
    2. Fe2+; Ni1+; Cu1+; Zn3+; Co2+; Cr6+
    3. Fe2+; Ni4+; Cu1+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    4. Fe2+; Pb2+; Sn4+; Zn2+; Co5+; Cr6+
    5. Fe2+; Ni2+; Cu2+; Zn2+; Co2+; Cr3+

  3. Cānd circuitul electric este īnchis:
    1. disocierea apei este inhibata;
    2. suprafata probei este cu rapiditate acoperita de un strat protector de electroni;
    3. curent electric evita proba si hārtia;
    4. curent electric trece prin proba si hārtie;
    5. anionii din solutie sunt trecuti īn proba ca metale;

  4. Hartia necesita ca īnainte de analiza probei:
    1. sa i se masoare suprafata;
    2. sa fie taiata īn bucati mici;
    3. sa fie testata;
    4. sa fie cantarita;

  5. De ce umezim hārtia cu solutie de azotat de sodiu?
    1. sa fie taiat cu usurinta cu foarfeca;
    2. pentru oprirea dupa un timp reactiei chimice care are loc;
    3. pentru furniza cationi pentru analiza;
    4. pentru ca hartia sa actioneze ca izolator;

Study of chemical reactions

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. Titration as a laboratory operation involves:
    1. a volume measurement;
    2. an mixing of two ore more solutions;
    3. a burette;
    4. a salt solution;

  2. The density of the solutions depends on:
    1. concentration;
    2. temperature;
    3. quantity;
    4. time elapsed since were prepared;

  3. The equivalence point is:
    1. indicated when a color change is observed into the solution;
    2. the point in which a reactive should be added in the burette;
    3. something rarely encountered in chemistry;
    4. the point in which a reactive should be added in the reaction flask;

  4. The indicator should be added:
    1. in large quantities, according to the principle 'only size matters';
    2. only at the suggestion of the supervisor;
    3. to indicate our safety limits when we dealt with chemicals;
    4. to provide a color change at equivalence point;

  5. The following chemical reactions were used in the experiments:
    1. (COOH)2 + NaOH -> (COONa)2 + H2O
    2. KMnO4 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + H2O
    3. H2SO4 + NaOH -> Na2SO4 + H2O
    4. KMnO4 + NaOH -> Na2MnO4 + KOH

Studiul reactiilor chimice

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Titrarea ca o operatiune de laborator implica:
    1. masurarea volumului;
    2. amestecul a doua sau mai multe solutii;
    3. o biureta;
    4. o solutie de sare;
    5. o solutie de acid sulfuric;

  2. Densitatea solutiilor depinde de:
    1. concentratie;
    2. temperatura;
    3. cantitate;
    4. timpul scurs de cand au fost pregatite;
    5. presiune;

  3. Punctul de echivalenta este:
    1. indicat atunci cānd o schimbare de culoare se observa īn solutie;
    2. punctul īn care ar trebui sa fie adaugat un reactiv īn biureta;
    3. ceva rar īntālnit īn chimie;
    4. punctul īn care ar trebui sa fie adaugat un reactiv īn balonul de reactie;
    5. punctul īn care un reactiv este consumat complet īn reactie;

  4. Trebuie adaugat indicatorul:
    1. īn cantitati mari, īn conformitate cu principiul "doar dimensiunea conteaza";
    2. numai la sugestia supraveghetorului;
    3. pentru a indica limitele noastre de siguranta, atunci cānd ne ocupam cu substante chimice;
    4. pentru a oferi o schimbare de culoare la punctul de echivalenta;
    5. īn cantitati mici, pentru a evita erorile īn observatii si īn calculele;

  5. Urmatoarele reactii chimice au fost folosite īn experimente:
    1. (COOH)2 + NaOH -> (COONa)2 + H2O
    2. KMnO4 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + H2O
    3. H2SO4 + NaOH -> Na2SO4 + H2O
    4. KMnO4 + NaOH -> Na2MnO4 + KOH

Study of chemical reactions

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. A redox process:
    1. involves a transfer of electrons from one atom or group of atoms to another;
    2. occurs only when we mix wrong substances in the laboratory;
    3. involves changing of the aggregation states of some participants to the reaction;
    4. is always fast and safe;

  2. Reactions between acids and bases:
    1. are all exothermic, being therefore dangerous outside of the laboratory;
    2. have as effect the change of the color of a solution;
    3. are rarely useful, and even rarely used;
    4. have as a consequence the dissolution of a salt;

  3. The indicator should be added:
    1. in large quantities, according to the principle 'only size matters';
    2. only at the suggestion of the supervisor;
    3. only in special cases, when the burette is graded from its bottom to its top;
    4. to indicate our safety limits when we dealt with chemicals;

  4. Titration as a laboratory operation involves:
    1. a pH-metter;
    2. an mixing of two ore more solutions;
    3. a pH indicator that changes color depending on the pH of the solution;
    4. a standard or referential reactive;

  5. The density of the solutions depends on:
    1. time elapsed since were prepared;
    2. provider;
    3. concentration;
    4. temperature;

Studiul reactiilor chimice

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Un proces redox:
    1. implica un transfer de electroni de la un atom sau grup de atomi la altul;
    2. apare numai atunci cānd se amesteca substante gresit īn laborator;
    3. implica schimbarea a starilor de agregare ale unor participanti la reactie;
    4. este īntotdeauna rapid si sigur;

  2. Reactiile īntre acizi si baze:
    1. sunt toate exoterme, fiind, prin urmare, īn afara laboratorului periculoase;
    2. au ca efect schimbarea culorii unei solutii;
    3. sunt rareori utile, si chiar mai rar utilizate;
    4. au drept consecinta dizolvarea unei sari;

  3. Trebuie adaugat indicatorul:
    1. īn cantitati mari, īn conformitate cu principiul "doar dimensiunea conteaza";
    2. numai la sugestia supraveghetorului;
    3. numai īn cazuri speciale, atunci cānd este biureta gradata de jos in sus;
    4. pentru a indica limitele noastre de siguranta, atunci cānd ne ocupam cu substante chimice;
    5. pentru a putea utiliza reactia chimica in calculul cantitatilor de reactivi corespunzatoare;

  4. Titrarea ca o operatiune de laborator implica:
    1. un pH-metru;
    2. amestecul a doua sau mai multe solutii;
    3. un indicator de pH care īsi schimba culoarea īn functie de pH-ul solutiei;
    4. un standard sau reactiv de referinta;

  5. Densitatea solutiilor depinde de:
    1. timpul scurs de cand au fost pregatite;
    2. furnizor;
    3. concentratie;
    4. temperatura;
    5. presiune;

Study of chemical reactions

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. The equivalence point is:
    1. indicated when a color change is observed into the solution;
    2. the point in which a reactive should be added in the reaction flask;
    3. the point in which a reactive should be added in the burette;
    4. something rarely encountered in chemistry;

  2. The following chemical reactions were used in the experiments:
    1. (COOH)2 + NaOH -> (COONa)2 + H2O
    2. H2O + CO2 -> H2CO3
    3. KMnO4 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + H2O
    4. KMnO4 + (COOH)2 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + CO2 + H2O

  3. The indicator should be added:
    1. to indicate our safety limits when we dealt with chemicals;
    2. in large quantities, according to the principle 'only size matters';
    3. only in special cases, when the burette is graded from its bottom to its top;
    4. in small quantities, to avoid the errors in observations and in calculations;

  4. The density of the solutions depends on:
    1. time elapsed since were prepared;
    2. quantity;
    3. provider;
    4. pressure;

  5. Reactions between acids and bases:
    1. are all exothermic, being therefore dangerous outside of the laboratory;
    2. always have as a consequence the formation of a quantity of water;
    3. have as a consequence the dissolution of a salt;
    4. are always fast, taking place almost instantaneously;

Studiul reactiilor chimice

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Punctul de echivalenta este:
    1. indicat atunci cānd o schimbare de culoare se observa īn solutie;
    2. punctul īn care ar trebui sa fie adaugat un reactiv īn balonul de reactie;
    3. punctul īn care ar trebui sa fie adaugat un reactiv īn biureta;
    4. ceva rar īntālnit īn chimie;
    5. folosit pentru a echilibra ecuatia;

  2. Urmatoarele reactii chimice au fost folosite īn experimente:
    1. (COOH)2 + NaOH -> (COONa)2 + H2O
    2. H2O + CO2 -> H2CO3
    3. KMnO4 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + H2O
    4. KMnO4 + (COOH)2 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + CO2 + H2O

  3. Trebuie adaugat indicatorul:
    1. pentru a indica limitele noastre de siguranta, atunci cānd ne ocupam cu substante chimice;
    2. īn cantitati mari, īn conformitate cu principiul "doar dimensiunea conteaza";
    3. numai īn cazuri speciale, atunci cānd este biureta gradata de jos in sus;
    4. īn cantitati mici, pentru a evita erorile īn observatii si īn calculele;

  4. Densitatea solutiilor depinde de:
    1. timpul scurs de cand au fost pregatite;
    2. cantitate;
    3. furnizor;
    4. presiune;

  5. Reactiile īntre acizi si baze:
    1. sunt toate exoterme, fiind, prin urmare, īn afara laboratorului periculoase;
    2. au īntotdeauna drept consecinta formarea unei cantitati de apa;
    3. au drept consecinta dizolvarea unei sari;
    4. sunt īntotdeauna rapide, avānd loc aproape instantaneu;

Study of chemical reactions

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. Reactions between acids and bases:
    1. have as effect the change of the color of a solution;
    2. are rarely useful, and even rarely used;
    3. are all exothermic, being therefore dangerous outside of the laboratory;
    4. always have as a consequence the formation of a quantity of water;

  2. The density of the solutions depends on:
    1. pressure;
    2. temperature;
    3. provider;
    4. quantity;

  3. A redox process:
    1. involves a transfer of electrons from one atom or group of atoms to another;
    2. involves changing of the aggregation states of some participants to the reaction;
    3. occurs only when we mix wrong substances in the laboratory;
    4. is considered to be the following one: H2SO4 + NaOH -> Na2SO4 + H2O

  4. The following chemical reactions were used in the experiments:
    1. (COOH)2 + NaOH -> (COONa)2 + H2O
    2. KMnO4 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + H2O
    3. KMnO4 + (COOH)2 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + CO2 + H2O
    4. H2SO4 + NaOH -> Na2SO4 + H2O

  5. The indicator should be added:
    1. only at the suggestion of the supervisor;
    2. in small quantities, to avoid the errors in observations and in calculations;
    3. to provide a color change at equivalence point;
    4. to be able to use the chemical reaction for the calculation of corresponding quantities of reactives;

Studiul reactiilor chimice

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Reactiile īntre acizi si baze:
    1. au ca efect schimbarea culorii unei solutii;
    2. sunt rareori utile, si chiar mai rar utilizate;
    3. sunt toate exoterme, fiind, prin urmare, īn afara laboratorului periculoase;
    4. au īntotdeauna drept consecinta formarea unei cantitati de apa;

  2. Densitatea solutiilor depinde de:
    1. presiune;
    2. temperatura;
    3. furnizor;
    4. cantitate;

  3. Un proces redox:
    1. implica un transfer de electroni de la un atom sau grup de atomi la altul;
    2. implica schimbarea a starilor de agregare ale unor participanti la reactie;
    3. apare numai atunci cānd se amesteca substante gresit īn laborator;
    4. este considerat a fi urmatorul: H2SO4 + NaOH -> Na2SO4 + H2O
    5. este considerat a fi urmatorul: (COOH)2 + NaOH -> (COONa)2 + H2O

  4. Urmatoarele reactii chimice au fost folosite īn experimente:
    1. (COOH)2 + NaOH -> (COONa)2 + H2O
    2. KMnO4 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + H2O
    3. KMnO4 + (COOH)2 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + CO2 + H2O
    4. H2SO4 + NaOH -> Na2SO4 + H2O
    5. KMnO4 + NaOH -> Na2MnO4 + KOH

  5. Trebuie adaugat indicatorul:
    1. numai la sugestia supraveghetorului;
    2. īn cantitati mici, pentru a evita erorile īn observatii si īn calculele;
    3. pentru a oferi o schimbare de culoare la punctul de echivalenta;
    4. pentru a putea utiliza reactia chimica in calculul cantitatilor de reactivi corespunzatoare;
    5. numai īn cazuri speciale, atunci cānd este biureta gradata de jos in sus;

Study of chemical reactions

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. In the calculations:
    1. are necessary to use some formulas expressing in different ways the concentration;
    2. are necessary to take some information from reagent bottles;
    3. are necessary to establish the coefficients of the chemical reaction;
    4. are necessary to discuss with our colleagues;

  2. The indicator should be added:
    1. in small quantities, to avoid the errors in observations and in calculations;
    2. only in special cases, when the burette is graded from its bottom to its top;
    3. to indicate our safety limits when we dealt with chemicals;
    4. to provide a color change at equivalence point;

  3. The following chemical reactions were used in the experiments:
    1. KMnO4 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + H2O
    2. H2O + CO2 -> H2CO3
    3. KMnO4 + NaOH -> Na2MnO4 + KOH
    4. (COOH)2 + NaOH -> (COONa)2 + H2O

  4. The density of the solutions depends on:
    1. pressure;
    2. temperature;
    3. concentration;
    4. quantity;

  5. Titration as a laboratory operation involves:
    1. a volume measurement;
    2. a mass measurement;
    3. a pH-metter;
    4. an mixing of two ore more solutions;

Studiul reactiilor chimice

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. In calcule:
    1. este necesar sa utilizam unele formule care exprima īn moduri diferite concentratia;
    2. este necesar a se lua unele informatii de pe sticlele de reactivi;
    3. este necesara stabilirea coeficientilor reactiei chimice;
    4. este necesar sa discutam cu colegii;

  2. Trebuie adaugat indicatorul:
    1. īn cantitati mici, pentru a evita erorile īn observatii si īn calculele;
    2. numai īn cazuri speciale, atunci cānd este biureta gradata de jos in sus;
    3. pentru a indica limitele noastre de siguranta, atunci cānd ne ocupam cu substante chimice;
    4. pentru a oferi o schimbare de culoare la punctul de echivalenta;
    5. numai la sugestia supraveghetorului;

  3. Urmatoarele reactii chimice au fost folosite īn experimente:
    1. KMnO4 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + H2O
    2. H2O + CO2 -> H2CO3
    3. KMnO4 + NaOH -> Na2MnO4 + KOH
    4. (COOH)2 + NaOH -> (COONa)2 + H2O
    5. KMnO4 + (COOH)2 + H2SO4 -> K2SO4 + MnSO4 + CO2 + H2O

  4. Densitatea solutiilor depinde de:
    1. presiune;
    2. temperatura;
    3. concentratie;
    4. cantitate;

  5. Titrarea ca o operatiune de laborator implica:
    1. masurarea volumului;
    2. masurarea masei;
    3. un pH-metru;
    4. amestecul a doua sau mai multe solutii;

Water analysis

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. In the laboratory were analyzed:
    1. the hardness of the water;
    2. the concentration of the water;
    3. the mass of the water;
    4. the alkalinity of the water;

  2. For a water sample following measures may be quantitatively expressed:
    1. total alkalinity;
    2. mineral acidity;
    3. hardness;
    4. permanent alkalinity;

  3. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for total alkalinity:
    1. HCl + HO+ -> H2O + Cl+
    2. HCl + CO32+ -> H2CO3 + Cl+
    3. HCl + CO32- -> H2CO3 + Cl-
    4. HCl + PO43- -> H2PO4- + Cl-

  4. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for mineral acidity:
    1. NaOH + SO42+ -> Na2SO4 + HO+
    2. NaOH + NO3+ -> NaNO3 + HO+
    3. NaOH + Zn2+ -> Zn(OH)2 + Na+
    4. NaOH + Cl- -> NaCl + HO-

  5. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for total acidity:
    1. NaOH + Cu2+ -> Cu(OH)2 + Na+
    2. NaOH + CO32+ -> NaHCO3+ + HO+
    3. NaOH + CH3COO+ -> CH3COONa + HO+
    4. NaOH + HCOO+ -> HCOONa + HO+

Analiza apei

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Īn laborator au fost analizate:
    1. duritatea apei;
    2. concentratia apei;
    3. masa apei;
    4. alcalinitatea apei;
    5. aciditatea apei;

  2. Pentru o proba de apa urmatoarele masuri pot fi exprimate cantitativ:
    1. alcalinitate totala;
    2. aciditate minerala;
    3. duritate;
    4. alcalinitate permanenta;
    5. puritate;

  3. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru alcalinitate totala:
    1. HCl + HO+ -> H2O + Cl+
    2. HCl + CO32+ -> H2CO3 + Cl+
    3. HCl + CO32- -> H2CO3 + Cl-
    4. HCl + PO43- -> H2PO4- + Cl-

  4. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru aciditate minerala:
    1. NaOH + SO42+ -> Na2SO4 + HO+
    2. NaOH + NO3+ -> NaNO3 + HO+
    3. NaOH + Zn2+ -> Zn(OH)2 + Na+
    4. NaOH + Cl- -> NaCl + HO-
    5. NaOH + Cl+ -> NaCl + HO+

  5. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru aciditate totala:
    1. NaOH + Cu2+ -> Cu(OH)2 + Na+
    2. NaOH + CO32+ -> HCO3+ + HO+
    3. NaOH + CH3COO+ -> CH3COONa + HO+
    4. NaOH + HCOO+ -> HCOONa + HO+

Water analysis

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. In the laboratory were analyzed:
    1. the concentration of the water;
    2. the temperature of the water;
    3. the color of the water;
    4. the mass of the water;

  2. In the laboratory the water were:
    1. biologically purified using the resin column;
    2. acidified for drinking purposes;
    3. complexed by using EDTA titrimetric method;
    4. softened using the resin column;

  3. For a water sample following measures may be quantitatively expressed:
    1. purity;
    2. mineral acidity;
    3. total acidity;
    4. total alkalinity;

  4. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for total acidity:
    1. NaOH + CH3COO- -> CH3COONa + HO-
    2. NaOH + CH3COO+ -> CH3COONa + HO+
    3. NaOH + CO32+ -> NaHCO3+ + HO+
    4. NaOH + Cu2+ -> Cu(OH)2 + Na+

  5. We may say the followings:
    1. natural water may contain organic matter and living organisms;
    2. purification of the water may include chemical processes;
    3. when water contains dissolved minerals and gases is bad for drinking;
    4. purification of the water may include biological processes;

Analiza apei

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Īn laborator au fost analizate:
    1. concentratia apei;
    2. temperatura apei;
    3. culoarea apei;
    4. masa apei;

  2. In laborator apa au fost:
    1. purificata biologic utilizānd coloana de rasina;
    2. acidulata pentru baut;
    3. complexata prin metoda titrimetrica EDTA;
    4. dedurizata folosind coloana de rasina;
    5. alcalinizeaza pentru baut;

  3. Pentru o proba de apa urmatoarele masuri pot fi exprimate cantitativ:
    1. puritate;
    2. aciditate minerala;
    3. aciditate totala;
    4. alcalinitate totala;
    5. duritate;

  4. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru aciditate totala:
    1. NaOH + CH3COO- -> CH3COONa+HO-
    2. NaOH + CH3COO+ -> CH3COONa + HO+
    3. NaOH + CO32+ -> HCO3+ + HO+
    4. NaOH + Cu2+ -> Cu(OH)2 + Na+
    5. NaOH + HCOO+ -> HCOONa + HO+

  5. Putem spune urmatoarele:
    1. apa naturala poate contine materie organica si organisme vii;
    2. purificarea apei poate include procese chimice;
    3. atunci cānd apa contine minerale dizolvate si gaze este rea pentru baut;
    4. purificarea apei poate include procese biologice;
    5. apa este pura doar atunci cānd este luata dintr-un bun izvor de munte de apa dulce;

Water analysis

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. For a water sample following measures may be quantitatively expressed:
    1. hardness;
    2. purity;
    3. total acidity;
    4. total alkalinity;

  2. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for total acidity:
    1. NaOH + HCOO- -> HCOONa + HO-
    2. NaOH + CH3COO- -> CH3COONa + HO-
    3. NaOH + CO32+ -> NaHCO3+ + HO+
    4. NaOH + CO32- -> NaHCO3- + HO-

  3. In the laboratory the water were:
    1. hardened using the resin column;
    2. softened using the resin column;
    3. biologically purified using the resin column;
    4. alkalinized for drinking purposes;

  4. EDTA is used:
    1. for complexing of Na1+ and K1+ ions;
    2. as reagent for determining the hardness of the water;
    3. for recharging of the resin for water softening;
    4. for complexing of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions;

  5. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for total alkalinity:
    1. HCl + CO32- -> H2CO3 + Cl-
    2. HCl + CO32+ -> H2CO3 + Cl+
    3. HCl + PO43- -> H2PO4- + Cl-
    4. HCl + HO+ -> H2O + Cl+

Analiza apei

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Pentru o proba de apa urmatoarele masuri pot fi exprimate cantitativ:
    1. duritate;
    2. puritate;
    3. aciditate totala;
    4. alcalinitate totala;

  2. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru aciditate totala:
    1. NaOH + HCOO- -> HCOONa + HO-
    2. NaOH + CH3COO- -> CH3COONa+HO-
    3. NaOH + CO32+ -> HCO3+ + HO+
    4. NaOH + CO32- -> HCO3- + HO-

  3. In laborator apa au fost:
    1. calita folosind coloana de rasina;
    2. dedurizata folosind coloana de rasina;
    3. purificata biologic utilizānd coloana de rasina;
    4. alcalinizeaza pentru baut;

  4. EDTA este utilizat:
    1. pentru complexarea ionilor de Na1 +si K1 +;
    2. ca reactiv pentru determinarea duritatii apei;
    3. pentru reīncarcarea rasinii la dedurizarea apei;
    4. pentru complexarea ionilor de Ca2 +si Mg2 +;

  5. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru alcalinitate totala:
    1. HCl + CO32- -> H2CO3 + Cl-
    2. HCl + CO32+ -> H2CO3 + Cl+
    3. HCl + PO43- -> H2PO4- + Cl-
    4. HCl + HO+ -> H2O + Cl+
    5. HCl + PO43+ -> H2PO4+ + Cl+

Water analysis

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for mineral acidity:
    1. NaOH + NO3- -> NaNO3 + HO-
    2. NaOH + SO42- -> Na2SO4 + HO-
    3. NaOH + Cl+ -> NaCl + HO+
    4. NaOH + Cl- -> NaCl + HO-

  2. In the laboratory were analyzed:
    1. the alkalinity of the water;
    2. the hardness of the water;
    3. the softness of the water;
    4. the color of the water;

  3. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for total acidity:
    1. NaOH + HCOO- -> HCOONa + HO-
    2. NaOH + CO32+ -> NaHCO3+ + HO+
    3. NaOH + HCOO+ -> HCOONa + HO+
    4. NaOH + CO32- -> NaHCO3- + HO-

  4. For a water sample following measures may be quantitatively expressed:
    1. total alkalinity;
    2. color;
    3. purity;
    4. hardness;

  5. In the laboratory the water were:
    1. biologically purified using the resin column;
    2. softened using the resin column;
    3. hardened using the resin column;
    4. acidified for drinking purposes;

Analiza apei

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru aciditate minerala:
    1. NaOH + NO3- -> NaNO3 + HO-
    2. NaOH + SO42- -> Na2SO4 + HO-
    3. NaOH + Cl+ -> NaCl + HO+
    4. NaOH + Cl- -> NaCl + HO-
    5. NaOH + SO42+ -> Na2SO4 + HO+

  2. Īn laborator au fost analizate:
    1. alcalinitatea apei;
    2. duritatea apei;
    3. moliciunea apei;
    4. culoarea apei;
    5. aciditatea apei;

  3. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru aciditate totala:
    1. NaOH + HCOO- -> HCOONa + HO-
    2. NaOH + CO32+ -> HCO3+ + HO+
    3. NaOH + HCOO+ -> HCOONa + HO+
    4. NaOH + CO32- -> HCO3- + HO-
    5. NaOH + CH3COO+ -> CH3COONa + HO+

  4. Pentru o proba de apa urmatoarele masuri pot fi exprimate cantitativ:
    1. alcalinitate totala;
    2. culoare;
    3. puritate;
    4. duritate;
    5. aciditate totala;

  5. In laborator apa au fost:
    1. purificata biologic utilizānd coloana de rasina;
    2. dedurizata folosind coloana de rasina;
    3. calita folosind coloana de rasina;
    4. acidulata pentru baut;

Water analysis

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. In the laboratory the water were:
    1. acidified for drinking purposes;
    2. softened using the resin column;
    3. hardened using the resin column;
    4. complexed by using EDTA titrimetric method;

  2. We may say the followings:
    1. purification of the water may include labeling processes;
    2. when water contains dissolved minerals and gases is bad for drinking;
    3. water is a good polar solvent;
    4. purification of the water may include chemical processes;

  3. In the laboratory were analyzed:
    1. the solubility of the water;
    2. the acidity of the water;
    3. the color of the water;
    4. the mass of the water;

  4. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for partial alkalinity:
    1. HCl + CO32- -> HCO3- + Cl-
    2. NaOH + Fe2+ -> Fe(OH)2 + Na+
    3. HCl + PO43+ -> HPO42+ + Cl+
    4. HCl + HO+ -> H2O + Cl+

  5. Following reactions may tok place when we analyse a sample of water for total acidity:
    1. NaOH + CH3COO- -> CH3COONa + HO-
    2. NaOH + HCOO+ -> HCOONa + HO+
    3. NaOH + CH3COO+ -> CH3COONa + HO+
    4. NaOH + CO32- -> NaHCO3- + HO-

Analiza apei

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. In laborator apa au fost:
    1. acidulata pentru baut;
    2. dedurizata folosind coloana de rasina;
    3. calita folosind coloana de rasina;
    4. complexata prin metoda titrimetrica EDTA;
    5. alcalinizeaza pentru baut;

  2. Putem spune urmatoarele:
    1. purificarea apei poate include procesele de etichetare;
    2. atunci cānd apa contine minerale dizolvate si gaze este rea pentru baut;
    3. apa este un solvent polar bun;
    4. purificarea apei poate include procese chimice;

  3. Īn laborator au fost analizate:
    1. solubilitatea apei;
    2. aciditatea apei;
    3. culoarea apei;
    4. masa apei;
    5. duritatea apei;

  4. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru alcalinitate partiala:
    1. HCl + CO32- -> HCO3- + Cl-
    2. NaOH + Fe2+ -> Fe(OH)2 + Na+
    3. HCl + PO43+ -> HPO42+ + Cl+
    4. HCl + HO+ -> H2O + Cl+

  5. Urmatoarele reactii pot avea loc atunci cānd analizam un esantion de apa pentru aciditate totala:
    1. NaOH + CH3COO- -> CH3COONa+HO-
    2. NaOH + HCOO+ -> HCOONa + HO+
    3. NaOH + CH3COO+ -> CH3COONa + HO+
    4. NaOH + CO32- -> HCO3- + HO-
    5. NaOH + Cu2+ -> Cu(OH)2 + Na+

Volumetric and gravimetric methods in study of corrosion

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. The aluminum plate:
    1. the surface is measured before and after immersing it in NaOH;
    2. the mass is measured before and after immersing it in NaOH;
    3. is expected to have approximately the same mass at the end of the semester as at the beginning of it;
    4. the volume is measured before and after immersing it in NaOH;

  2. Corrosion of metals:
    1. is the destruction of metals under the action of external factors;
    2. is the protection in time to chemical agents;
    3. can be reduced by passivation;
    4. can be reduced by electroplating;

  3. The zinc plate:
    1. the surface is measured before and after immersing it in H2SO4;
    2. is expected to have approximately the same mass at the end of the semester as at the beginning of it;
    3. was degreased in sulfuric acid solution;
    4. was corroded in sulfuric solution;

  4. Which of the following reactions may be called as of corrosion:
    1. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    2. Ni(CO)4 -> Ni + CO
    3. H+ + Ni -> H2 + Ni2+
    4. H+ + Zn -> H2 + Zn2+

  5. In studied corrosion processes:
    1. a gas is released at both corrosion of zinc and aluminum;
    2. the metal it changes its oxidation state becoming an anion;
    3. when a gas is released its volume depends on the amount of metal corroded;
    4. a gas is released only the corrosion of zinc;

Metode volumetrice si gravimetrice in studiul coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Pentru placa de aluminiu:
    1. suprafata se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;
    2. masa este masurata īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;
    3. este de asteptat sa aiba aproximativ aceeasi masa la sfārsitul semestrului ca la īnceputul acestuia;
    4. volumul se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;

  2. Coroziunea metalelor:
    1. este distrugerea metalelor sub actiunea factorilor externi;
    2. este protectia de durata impotriva agentilor chimici;
    3. poate fi redusa prin pasivare;
    4. poate fi redusa prin galvanizare;
    5. este un proces benefic care arata stabilitatea metalelor;

  3. Pentru placa de zinc:
    1. suprafata se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn H2SO4;
    2. este de asteptat sa aiba aproximativ aceeasi masa la sfārsitul semestrului ca la īnceputul acestuia;
    3. a fost degresata īn solutie de acid sulfuric;
    4. a fost corodata īn solutie sulfuric;

  4. Care dintre urmatoarele reactii pot fi numite ca fiind de coroziune:
    1. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    2. Ni(CO)4 -> Ni + CO
    3. H+ + Ni -> H2 + Ni2+
    4. H+ + Zn -> H2 + Zn2+
    5. H2O + HO- + Al -> H2 + Al(OH)4-

  5. Īn procesele de coroziune studiate:
    1. un gaz este eliberat la ambele coroziuni ale zincului si aluminiului;
    2. metalul isi schimba starea de oxidare pentru a deveni un anion;
    3. atunci cānd un gaz este eliberat volumul sau depinde de cantitatea de metal corodat;
    4. un gaz este eliberat numai la corodarea zincului;
    5. un gaz este eliberat numai la corodarea aluminiului;

Volumetric and gravimetric methods in study of corrosion

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. In studied corrosion processes:
    1. the metal it changes its oxidation state becoming an anion;
    2. a gas is released only the corrosion of aluminum;
    3. the metal it changes its oxidation state becoming an cation;
    4. a gas is released at both corrosion of zinc and aluminum;

  2. The aluminum plate:
    1. was corroded in sodium hydroxide solution;
    2. was degreased in sodium hydroxide solution;
    3. was involved in the volumetric method of corrosion analysis
    4. is expected to have approximately the same mass at the end of the semester as at the beginning of it;

  3. Corrosion of metals:
    1. can be reduced by passivation;
    2. is the destruction of metals under the action of external factors;
    3. can be reduced by electroplating;
    4. is the protection in time to chemical agents;

  4. The zinc plate:
    1. was involved in the volumetric method of corrosion analysis
    2. the mass is measured before and after immersing it in H2SO4;
    3. is expected to have approximately the same mass at the end of the semester as at the beginning of it;
    4. was degreased in sulfuric acid solution;

  5. Which of the following reactions may be called as of corrosion:
    1. H+ + Ni -> H2 + Ni2+
    2. ZnO + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4 + H2O
    3. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    4. H+ + Fe -> H2 + Fe2+

Metode volumetrice si gravimetrice in studiul coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Īn procesele de coroziune studiate:
    1. metalul isi schimba starea de oxidare pentru a deveni un anion;
    2. un gaz este eliberat numai la corodarea aluminiului;
    3. metalul isi schimba starea de oxidare pentru a deveni un cation;
    4. un gaz este eliberat la ambele coroziuni ale zincului si aluminiului;

  2. Pentru placa de aluminiu:
    1. a fost corodata īn solutie de hidroxid de sodiu;
    2. a fost degresata īn solutie de hidroxid de sodiu;
    3. a fost implicata īn metoda volumetrica de analiza a coroziunii
    4. este de asteptat sa aiba aproximativ aceeasi masa la sfārsitul semestrului ca la īnceputul acestuia;

  3. Coroziunea metalelor:
    1. poate fi redusa prin pasivare;
    2. este distrugerea metalelor sub actiunea factorilor externi;
    3. poate fi redusa prin galvanizare;
    4. este protectia de durata impotriva agentilor chimici;

  4. Pentru placa de zinc:
    1. a fost implicata īn metoda volumetrica de analiza a coroziunii
    2. masa este masurata īnainte si dupa imersia īn H2SO4;
    3. este de asteptat sa aiba aproximativ aceeasi masa la sfārsitul semestrului ca la īnceputul acestuia;
    4. a fost degresata īn solutie de acid sulfuric;

  5. Care dintre urmatoarele reactii pot fi numite ca fiind de coroziune:
    1. H+ + Ni -> H2 + Ni2+
    2. ZnO + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4 + H2O
    3. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    4. H+ + Fe -> H2 + Fe2+
    5. H+ + Zn -> H2 + Zn2+

Volumetric and gravimetric methods in study of corrosion

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. The aluminum plate:
    1. was corroded in sodium hydroxide solution;
    2. was involved in the gravimetric method of corrosion analysis
    3. the mass is measured before and after immersing it in NaOH;
    4. the surface is measured before and after immersing it in NaOH;

  2. Which of the following reactions may be called as of corrosion:
    1. H2O + HO- + Al -> H2 + Al(OH)4-
    2. ZnO + CO -> Zn + CO2
    3. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    4. H+ + Zn -> H2 + Zn2+

  3. Corrosion of metals:
    1. takes place merely from exposure to moisture in air;
    2. can be reduced by electroplating;
    3. is a beneficial process that shows the stability of metals;
    4. may provide useful raw materials for analysis;

  4. The zinc plate:
    1. was involved in the volumetric method of corrosion analysis
    2. was degreased in sulfuric acid solution;
    3. the mass is measured before and after immersing it in H2SO4;
    4. the surface is measured before and after immersing it in H2SO4;

  5. In studied corrosion processes:
    1. a gas is released only the corrosion of aluminum;
    2. when a gas is released its volume depends on the amount of metal corroded;
    3. the metal it changes its oxidation state becoming an cation;
    4. the metal it changes its oxidation state becoming an anion;

Metode volumetrice si gravimetrice in studiul coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Pentru placa de aluminiu:
    1. a fost corodata īn solutie de hidroxid de sodiu;
    2. a fost implicata īn metoda gravimetrica de analiza a coroziunii
    3. masa este masurata īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;
    4. suprafata se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;

  2. Care dintre urmatoarele reactii pot fi numite ca fiind de coroziune:
    1. H2O + HO- + Al -> H2 + Al(OH)4-
    2. ZnO + CO -> Zn + CO2
    3. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    4. H+ + Zn -> H2 + Zn2+
    5. Ni(CO)4 -> Ni + CO

  3. Coroziunea metalelor:
    1. are loc pur si simplu prin expunerea la umiditate īn aer;
    2. poate fi redusa prin galvanizare;
    3. este un proces benefic care arata stabilitatea metalelor;
    4. poate furniza materii prime utile pentru analiza;
    5. poate fi redusa prin pasivare;

  4. Pentru placa de zinc:
    1. a fost implicata īn metoda volumetrica de analiza a coroziunii
    2. a fost degresata īn solutie de acid sulfuric;
    3. masa este masurata īnainte si dupa imersia īn H2SO4;
    4. suprafata se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn H2SO4;

  5. Īn procesele de coroziune studiate:
    1. un gaz este eliberat numai la corodarea aluminiului;
    2. atunci cānd un gaz este eliberat volumul sau depinde de cantitatea de metal corodat;
    3. metalul isi schimba starea de oxidare pentru a deveni un cation;
    4. metalul isi schimba starea de oxidare pentru a deveni un anion;

Volumetric and gravimetric methods in study of corrosion

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. The aluminum plate:
    1. was degreased in sodium hydroxide solution;
    2. was corroded in sodium hydroxide solution;
    3. the surface is measured before and after immersing it in NaOH;
    4. is expected to have approximately the same mass at the end of the semester as at the beginning of it;

  2. Corrosion of metals:
    1. is the protection in time to chemical agents;
    2. is a beneficial process that shows the stability of metals;
    3. takes place merely from exposure to moisture in air;
    4. may provide useful raw materials for analysis;

  3. The zinc plate:
    1. was involved in the volumetric method of corrosion analysis
    2. was corroded in sulfuric solution;
    3. was degreased in sulfuric acid solution;
    4. is expected to have approximately the same mass at the end of the semester as at the beginning of it;

  4. Which of the following reactions may be called as of corrosion:
    1. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    2. Ni(CO)4 -> Ni + CO
    3. ZnO + CO -> Zn + CO2
    4. H+ + Ni -> H2 + Ni2+

  5. In studied corrosion processes:
    1. when a gas is released its volume depends on the amount of metal corroded;
    2. the metal it changes its oxidation state becoming an anion;
    3. a gas is released only the corrosion of zinc;
    4. always the metal changes its oxidation state;

Metode volumetrice si gravimetrice in studiul coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Pentru placa de aluminiu:
    1. a fost degresata īn solutie de hidroxid de sodiu;
    2. a fost corodata īn solutie de hidroxid de sodiu;
    3. suprafata se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;
    4. este de asteptat sa aiba aproximativ aceeasi masa la sfārsitul semestrului ca la īnceputul acestuia;
    5. masa este masurata īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;

  2. Coroziunea metalelor:
    1. este protectia de durata impotriva agentilor chimici;
    2. este un proces benefic care arata stabilitatea metalelor;
    3. are loc pur si simplu prin expunerea la umiditate īn aer;
    4. poate furniza materii prime utile pentru analiza;

  3. Pentru placa de zinc:
    1. a fost implicata īn metoda volumetrica de analiza a coroziunii
    2. a fost corodata īn solutie sulfuric;
    3. a fost degresata īn solutie de acid sulfuric;
    4. este de asteptat sa aiba aproximativ aceeasi masa la sfārsitul semestrului ca la īnceputul acestuia;
    5. suprafata se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn H2SO4;

  4. Care dintre urmatoarele reactii pot fi numite ca fiind de coroziune:
    1. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    2. Ni(CO)4 -> Ni + CO
    3. ZnO + CO -> Zn + CO2
    4. H+ + Ni -> H2 + Ni2+
    5. Al2O3 + NaOH -> NaAlO2

  5. Īn procesele de coroziune studiate:
    1. atunci cānd un gaz este eliberat volumul sau depinde de cantitatea de metal corodat;
    2. metalul isi schimba starea de oxidare pentru a deveni un anion;
    3. un gaz este eliberat numai la corodarea zincului;
    4. īntotdeauna metalul isi schimba starea de oxidare;

Volumetric and gravimetric methods in study of corrosion

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. The aluminum plate:
    1. was corroded in sodium hydroxide solution;
    2. the volume is measured before and after immersing it in NaOH;
    3. the mass is measured before and after immersing it in NaOH;
    4. the surface is measured before and after immersing it in NaOH;

  2. Corrosion of metals:
    1. takes place merely from exposure to moisture in air;
    2. is the destruction of metals under the action of external factors;
    3. is helping in the process of cleaning the metals surfaces;
    4. is a beneficial process that shows the stability of metals;

  3. Which of the following reactions may be called as of corrosion:
    1. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    2. H+ + Fe -> H2 + Fe2+
    3. H+ + Ni -> H2 + Ni2+
    4. Al2O3 + NaOH -> NaAlO2

  4. The zinc plate:
    1. was involved in the volumetric method of corrosion analysis
    2. is expected to have approximately the same mass at the end of the semester as at the beginning of it;
    3. the mass is measured before and after immersing it in H2SO4;
    4. the volume is measured before and after immersing it in H2SO4;

  5. In studied corrosion processes:
    1. the metal it changes its oxidation state becoming an anion;
    2. a gas is released at both corrosion of zinc and aluminum;
    3. a gas is released only the corrosion of aluminum;
    4. the metal it changes its oxidation state becoming an cation;

Metode volumetrice si gravimetrice in studiul coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Pentru placa de aluminiu:
    1. a fost corodata īn solutie de hidroxid de sodiu;
    2. volumul se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;
    3. masa este masurata īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;
    4. suprafata se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn NaOH;

  2. Coroziunea metalelor:
    1. are loc pur si simplu prin expunerea la umiditate īn aer;
    2. este distrugerea metalelor sub actiunea factorilor externi;
    3. este de ajutor īn procesul de curatare a suprafetelor metalelor;
    4. este un proces benefic care arata stabilitatea metalelor;

  3. Care dintre urmatoarele reactii pot fi numite ca fiind de coroziune:
    1. Fe2O3 + CO -> Fe + CO2
    2. H+ + Fe -> H2 + Fe2+
    3. H+ + Ni -> H2 + Ni2+
    4. Al2O3 + NaOH -> NaAlO2

  4. Pentru placa de zinc:
    1. a fost implicata īn metoda volumetrica de analiza a coroziunii
    2. este de asteptat sa aiba aproximativ aceeasi masa la sfārsitul semestrului ca la īnceputul acestuia;
    3. masa este masurata īnainte si dupa imersia īn H2SO4;
    4. volumul se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn H2SO4;
    5. suprafata se masoara īnainte si dupa imersia īn H2SO4;

  5. Īn procesele de coroziune studiate:
    1. metalul isi schimba starea de oxidare pentru a deveni un anion;
    2. un gaz este eliberat la ambele coroziuni ale zincului si aluminiului;
    3. un gaz este eliberat numai la corodarea aluminiului;
    4. metalul isi schimba starea de oxidare pentru a deveni un cation;

Nickel corrosion protective electroplating

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. Electrical conductivity of nickel salts solutions:
    1. depends on the potential of the source used;
    2. is relatively high;
    3. is improved by salts additions;
    4. is reduced by salts additions;

  2. The intensity of the current:
    1. is to be calculated after conducting the experiment;
    2. does not affect the quality nor the quantity of the nickel deposition;
    3. is to be calculated before to start the experiment;
    4. it depends on the surface of the sample;

  3. At the nickel plating following reactions took place:
    1. at anode (+), connected with nickel piece, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    2. at high densities of current oxygen anions (O2-) have the tendency to discharge at the anode: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    3. at cathode (-), connected with metallic piece, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    4. at high densities of current oxygen anions (O2-) have the tendency to discharge at the cathode: O2- - 2e- -> O20

  4. Theoretical mass of nickel deposited is calculated using:
    1. the electrolysis law;
    2. perfect gas law;
    3. the conservation of the number of atoms for each element law;
    4. the conservation of the energy law;

  5. It is expected to have a mass of nickel deposited:
    1. much higher than the calculated theoretical one;
    2. lower than the calculated theoretical one;
    3. much lower than the calculated theoretical one;
    4. inversely proportional with the nickel plating time;

Electrodepunerea nichelului protectiva impotriva coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Conductivitatea electrica a solutiilor de saruri de nichel:
    1. depinde de potentialul sursei utilizate;
    2. este relativ mare;
    3. este īmbunatatita prin adaosuri de saruri;
    4. este redusa prin adaosuri de saruri;
    5. este relativ mica;

  2. Intensitatea curentului:
    1. se calculeaza dupa efectuarea experimentului;
    2. nu afecteaza calitatea nici cantitatea nichelului depus;
    3. trebuie sa fie calculata īnainte de a īncepe experimentul;
    4. depinde de suprafata probei;

  3. La nichelare urmatoarele reactii au avut loc:
    1. la anod (+), īn legatura cu piesa de nichel, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    2. la densitati mari de curent anionii de oxigen (O2-) au tendinta de a descarca la anod: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    3. la catod (-), īn legatura cu piesa metalica, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    4. la densitati mari de curent anionii de oxigen (O2-) au tendinta de a descarca la catod: O2- - 2e- -> O20

  4. Masa teoretica de nichel depus se calculeaza folosind:
    1. legea electrolizei;
    2. legea gazelor perfecte;
    3. conservarea numarului de atomi pentru fiecare element;
    4. legea conservarii energiei;
    5. legea solutilor;

  5. Este de asteptat ca masa de nichel depus sa fie:
    1. mult mai mare decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    2. mai mica decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    3. mult mai mica decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    4. invers proportional cu timpul de nichelare;

Nickel corrosion protective electroplating

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. At the nickel plating following reactions took place:
    1. at cathode (-), connected with metallic piece, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    2. at cathode (-), connected with metallic piece, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    3. at high densities of current oxygen anions (O2-) have the tendency to discharge at the cathode: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    4. at high densities of current oxygen anions (O2-) have the tendency to discharge at the anode: O2- - 2e- -> O20

  2. Theoretical mass of nickel deposited is calculated using:
    1. the conservation of the energy law;
    2. perfect gas law;
    3. the electrolysis law;
    4. solutions laws;

  3. The intensity of the current:
    1. it depends on the surface of the sample;
    2. should be adjusted by the technicians, we have nothing to do there;
    3. affect only the quantity of the nickel deposition;
    4. is to be calculated before to start the experiment;

  4. It is expected to have a mass of nickel deposited:
    1. higher than the calculated theoretical one;
    2. much lower than the calculated theoretical one;
    3. inversely proportional with the intensity of the current used;
    4. proportional with the nickel plating time;

  5. Electrical conductivity of nickel salts solutions:
    1. is reduced by salts additions;
    2. depends on the intensity of the current used;
    3. is relatively small;
    4. depends on the potential of the source used;

Electrodepunerea nichelului protectiva impotriva coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. La nichelare urmatoarele reactii au avut loc:
    1. la catod (-), īn legatura cu piesa metalica, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    2. la catod (-), īn contact cu piesa metalica, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    3. la densitati mari de curent anionii de oxigen (O2-) au tendinta de a descarca la catod: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    4. la densitati mari de curent anionii de oxigen (O2-) au tendinta de a descarca la anod: O2- - 2e- -> O20

  2. Masa teoretica de nichel depus se calculeaza folosind:
    1. legea conservarii energiei;
    2. legea gazelor perfecte;
    3. legea electrolizei;
    4. legea solutilor;

  3. Intensitatea curentului:
    1. depinde de suprafata probei;
    2. ar trebui sa fie ajustata de catre tehnicieni, nu avem nimic de a face acolo;
    3. afecteaza numai cantitatea de nichel depus;
    4. trebuie sa fie calculata īnainte de a īncepe experimentul;
    5. nu afecteaza calitatea nici cantitatea nichelului depus;

  4. Este de asteptat ca masa de nichel depus sa fie:
    1. mai mare decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    2. mult mai mica decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    3. invers proportionala cu intensitatea curentului utilizat;
    4. proportionala cu timpul de nichelare;

  5. Conductivitatea electrica a solutiilor de saruri de nichel:
    1. este redusa prin adaosuri de saruri;
    2. depinde de intensitatea curentului utilizat;
    3. este relativ mica;
    4. depinde de potentialul sursei utilizate;

Nickel corrosion protective electroplating

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. Electrical conductivity of nickel salts solutions:
    1. is relatively high;
    2. is relatively small;
    3. depends on the intensity of the current used;
    4. is improved by salts additions;

  2. At the nickel plating following reactions took place:
    1. at high densities of current oxygen anions (O2-) have the tendency to discharge at the anode: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    2. at cathode (-), connected with metallic piece, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    3. at cathode (-), connected with metallic piece, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    4. at high densities of current oxygen anions (O2-) have the tendency to discharge at the cathode: O2- - 2e- -> O20

  3. It is expected to have a mass of nickel deposited:
    1. higher than the calculated theoretical one;
    2. proportional with the nickel plating time;
    3. much lower than the calculated theoretical one;
    4. inversely proportional with the surface of the sample;

  4. The intensity of the current:
    1. is to be calculated after conducting the experiment;
    2. should be adjusted by the technicians, we have nothing to do there;
    3. does not affect the quality nor the quantity of the nickel deposition;
    4. affect only the quality of the nickel deposition;

  5. Theoretical mass of nickel deposited is calculated using:
    1. solutions laws;
    2. the electrolysis law;
    3. law of mass action;
    4. perfect gas law;

Electrodepunerea nichelului protectiva impotriva coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Conductivitatea electrica a solutiilor de saruri de nichel:
    1. este relativ mare;
    2. este relativ mica;
    3. depinde de intensitatea curentului utilizat;
    4. este īmbunatatita prin adaosuri de saruri;

  2. La nichelare urmatoarele reactii au avut loc:
    1. la densitati mari de curent anionii de oxigen (O2-) au tendinta de a descarca la anod: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    2. la catod (-), īn contact cu piesa metalica, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    3. la catod (-), īn legatura cu piesa metalica, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    4. la densitati mari de curent anionii de oxigen (O2-) au tendinta de a descarca la catod: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    5. la anod (+), īn legatura cu piesa de nichel, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0

  3. Este de asteptat ca masa de nichel depus sa fie:
    1. mai mare decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    2. proportionala cu timpul de nichelare;
    3. mult mai mica decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    4. invers proportionala cu suprafata probei;

  4. Intensitatea curentului:
    1. se calculeaza dupa efectuarea experimentului;
    2. ar trebui sa fie ajustata de catre tehnicieni, nu avem nimic de a face acolo;
    3. nu afecteaza calitatea nici cantitatea nichelului depus;
    4. afecteaza numai calitatea depunerii nichelului;

  5. Masa teoretica de nichel depus se calculeaza folosind:
    1. legea solutilor;
    2. legea electrolizei;
    3. legea actiunii maselor;
    4. legea gazelor perfecte;
    5. legea conservarii energiei;

Nickel corrosion protective electroplating

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. At the nickel plating following reactions took place:
    1. at anode (+), connected with nickel piece, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    2. at anode (+), connected with nickel piece, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    3. at cathode (-), connected with metallic piece, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    4. at cathode (-), connected with metallic piece, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+

  2. Theoretical mass of nickel deposited is calculated using:
    1. solutions laws;
    2. perfect gas law;
    3. the conservation of the number of atoms for each element law;
    4. law of mass action;

  3. Electrical conductivity of nickel salts solutions:
    1. is improved by salts additions;
    2. depends on the potential of the source used;
    3. is relatively high;
    4. is relatively small;

  4. It is expected to have a mass of nickel deposited:
    1. inversely proportional with the nickel plating time;
    2. lower than the calculated theoretical one;
    3. much higher than the calculated theoretical one;
    4. proportional with the intensity of the current used;

  5. The intensity of the current:
    1. it depends on the surface of the sample;
    2. does not affect the quality nor the quantity of the nickel deposition;
    3. is to be calculated after conducting the experiment;
    4. is to be adjusted when the experiment starts;

Electrodepunerea nichelului protectiva impotriva coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. La nichelare urmatoarele reactii au avut loc:
    1. la anod (+), īn legatura cu piesa de nichel, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    2. la anod (+), īn contact cu piesa de nichel, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    3. la catod (-), īn contact cu piesa metalica, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    4. la catod (-), īn legatura cu piesa metalica, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+

  2. Masa teoretica de nichel depus se calculeaza folosind:
    1. legea solutilor;
    2. legea gazelor perfecte;
    3. conservarea numarului de atomi pentru fiecare element;
    4. legea actiunii maselor;
    5. legea electrolizei;

  3. Conductivitatea electrica a solutiilor de saruri de nichel:
    1. este īmbunatatita prin adaosuri de saruri;
    2. depinde de potentialul sursei utilizate;
    3. este relativ mare;
    4. este relativ mica;
    5. este redusa prin adaosuri de saruri;

  4. Este de asteptat ca masa de nichel depus sa fie:
    1. invers proportional cu timpul de nichelare;
    2. mai mica decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    3. mult mai mare decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    4. proportionala cu intensitatea curentului utilizat;
    5. proportionala cu suprafata probei;

  5. Intensitatea curentului:
    1. depinde de suprafata probei;
    2. nu afecteaza calitatea nici cantitatea nichelului depus;
    3. se calculeaza dupa efectuarea experimentului;
    4. trebuie sa fie ajustata cand se incepe experimentul;
    5. afecteaza numai cantitatea de nichel depus;

Nickel corrosion protective electroplating

Do not use this paper to give answers!
Please decide which of the following statements are true.
  1. Theoretical mass of nickel deposited is calculated using:
    1. the conservation of the number of atoms for each element law;
    2. solutions laws;
    3. the conservation of the energy law;
    4. the electrolysis law;

  2. It is expected to have a mass of nickel deposited:
    1. proportional with the nickel plating time;
    2. higher than the calculated theoretical one;
    3. proportional with the intensity of the current used;
    4. much lower than the calculated theoretical one;

  3. The intensity of the current:
    1. should be adjusted by the technicians, we have nothing to do there;
    2. is to be calculated before to start the experiment;
    3. is to be adjusted when the experiment starts;
    4. is to be calculated after conducting the experiment;

  4. At the nickel plating following reactions took place:
    1. at high densities of current oxygen anions (O2-) have the tendency to discharge at the cathode: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    2. at cathode (-), connected with metallic piece, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    3. at high densities of current oxygen anions (O2-) have the tendency to discharge at the anode: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    4. at cathode (-), connected with metallic piece, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0

  5. Electrical conductivity of nickel salts solutions:
    1. is relatively high;
    2. is improved by salts additions;
    3. depends on the intensity of the current used;
    4. depends on the potential of the source used;

Electrodepunerea nichelului protectiva impotriva coroziunii

Nu utilizati aceasta hartie pentru a da raspunsurile!
Va rog decideti care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii sunt corecte.
  1. Masa teoretica de nichel depus se calculeaza folosind:
    1. conservarea numarului de atomi pentru fiecare element;
    2. legea solutilor;
    3. legea conservarii energiei;
    4. legea electrolizei;

  2. Este de asteptat ca masa de nichel depus sa fie:
    1. proportionala cu timpul de nichelare;
    2. mai mare decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    3. proportionala cu intensitatea curentului utilizat;
    4. mult mai mica decāt cea teoretica calculata;
    5. invers proportional cu timpul de nichelare;

  3. Intensitatea curentului:
    1. ar trebui sa fie ajustata de catre tehnicieni, nu avem nimic de a face acolo;
    2. trebuie sa fie calculata īnainte de a īncepe experimentul;
    3. trebuie sa fie ajustata cand se incepe experimentul;
    4. se calculeaza dupa efectuarea experimentului;

  4. La nichelare urmatoarele reactii au avut loc:
    1. la densitati mari de curent anionii de oxigen (O2-) au tendinta de a descarca la catod: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    2. la catod (-), īn legatura cu piesa metalica, Ni0 - 2e- -> Ni2+
    3. la densitati mari de curent anionii de oxigen (O2-) au tendinta de a descarca la anod: O2- - 2e- -> O20
    4. la catod (-), īn contact cu piesa metalica, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0
    5. la anod (+), īn legatura cu piesa de nichel, Ni2+ + 2e- -> Ni0

  5. Conductivitatea electrica a solutiilor de saruri de nichel:
    1. este relativ mare;
    2. este īmbunatatita prin adaosuri de saruri;
    3. depinde de intensitatea curentului utilizat;
    4. depinde de potentialul sursei utilizate;
    5. este redusa prin adaosuri de saruri;