Notice: Undefined variable: mysql_link in /usr/local/www/apache24/vl.academicdirect/applied_statistics/hit_statistics/st.php on line 331

Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in /usr/local/www/apache24/vl.academicdirect/applied_statistics/hit_statistics/st.php on line 331

Warning: mysqli_fetch_row() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in /usr/local/www/apache24/vl.academicdirect/applied_statistics/hit_statistics/st.php on line 332

Warning: mysqli_free_result() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in /usr/local/www/apache24/vl.academicdirect/applied_statistics/hit_statistics/st.php on line 332

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /usr/local/www/apache24/vl.academicdirect/applied_statistics/hit_statistics/st.php on line 333

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /usr/local/www/apache24/vl.academicdirect/applied_statistics/hit_statistics/st.php on line 64

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /usr/local/www/apache24/vl.academicdirect/applied_statistics/hit_statistics/st.php on line 64

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /usr/local/www/apache24/vl.academicdirect/applied_statistics/hit_statistics/st.php on line 64
Countries: 196; Visits: 418078; Visitors: 150727.
roRomania 148772
gbUnited Kingdom 8211
grGreece 1134
caCanada 3881
usUnited States 93142
itItaly 2598
beBelgium 667
huHungary 655
chSwitzerland 765
deGermany 6337
ptPortugal 559
aeUnited Arab Emirates 367
jpJapan 1090
frFrance 2589
nlNetherlands 1574
clChile 178
doDominican Republic 29
coColombia 2227
plPoland 921
mdMoldova 926
siSlovenia 137
atAustria 509
ilIsrael 1227
seSweden 2130
noNorway 294
ruRussian Federation 5940
qaQatar 64
psPalestinian Territory 49
bgBulgaria 431
trTurkey 1729
inIndia 20271
uaUkraine 794
auAustralia 3258
cnChina 20781
arArgentina 396
esSpain 1373
krKorea 2639
twTaiwan 698
czCzech Republic 347
mxMexico 1095
thThailand 1201
yuYugoslavia 174
zaSouth Africa 1353
tzTanzania 94
brBrazil 4277
eeEstonia 51
fiFinland 474
dkDenmark 484
irIran 3123
uyUruguay 123
idIndonesia 1844
egEgypt 981
ieIreland 387
cyCyprus 102
cuCuba 8
hrCroatia (Hrvatska) 123
ltLithuania 151
hkHong Kong 601
sgSingapore 352
saSaudi Arabia 683
pePeru 222
mkMacedonia 56
dzAlgeria 15221
skSlovakia 171
ngNigeria 15022
vnViet Nam 2389
maMorocco 1587
ciCote D 20
tnTunisia 3790
phPhilippines 1201
nzNew Zealand 295
svEl Salvador 7
myMalaysia 2440
neNiger 2239
mtMalta 51
pkPakistan 862
lvLatvia 362
ecEcuador 78
pyParaguay 11
ugUganda 61
veVenezuela 120
etEthiopia 277
kwKuwait 117
byBelarus 188
joJordan 1048
mnMongolia 13
muMauritius 7230
mcMonaco 21
bdBangladesh 296
khCambodia 37
sdSudan 80
amArmenia 19
keKenya 257
crCosta Rica 43
omOman 108
bbBarbados 5
bsBahamas 12
jmJamaica 18
azAzerbaijan 43
prPuerto Rico 61
lkSri Lanka 176
lbLebanon 106
yeYemen 53
baBosnia and Herzegowina 82
sySyrian Arab Republic 129
boBolivia 15
alAlbania 54
ghGhana 428
mmMyanmar 38
zwZimbabwe 38
fjFiji 7
bhBahrain 34
isIceland 98
geGeorgia 36
lyLibyan Arab Jamahiriya 59
luLuxembourg 88
paPanama 16
pgPapua New Guinea 9
tgTogo 3
rwRwanda 50
csSerbia and Montenegro 7
bnBrunei Darussalam 29
jeBailiwick of Jersey 13
npNepal 107
snSenegal 34
cmCameroon 167
kzKazakhstan 254
gyGuyana 10
hnHonduras 10
iqIraq 465
mwMalawi 14
meMontenegro (Crna Gora) 8
htHaiti 5
ttTrinidad and Tobago 75
kgKyrgyzstan 7
mzMozambique 32
dmDominica 11
giGibraltar 3
rsRepublic of Serbia 141
bzBelize 58
niNicaragua 8
slSierra Leone 2
aoAngola 26
euEurope 301
laLao People 5
tjTajikistan 6
srSuriname 7
soSomalia 14
mgMadagascar 8
szSwaziland 3
vcSaint Vincent and The Grenadines 2
lcSaint Lucia 3
lsLesotho 2
guGuam 2
gtGuatemala 17
mrMauritania 8
btBhutan 16
moMacau 10
bjBenin 31
bwBotswana 28
zmZambia 24
scSeychelles 12
tvTuvalu 28
mlMali 4
naNamibia 105
mvMaldives 3
cdCongo, The Democratic Republic of the 17
bfBurkina Faso 11
tmTurkmenistan 1
kpKorea, Democratic People 13
anNetherlands Antilles 1
sbSolomon Islands 1
uzUzbekistan 51
biBurundi 3
cvCape Verde 5
gnGuinea 4
lrLiberia 8
wsSamoa 1
gmGambia 1
ncNew Caledonia 2
ioBritish Indian Ocean Territory 9
afAfghanistan 1
tcTurks and Caicos Islands 1
pfFrench Polynesia 2
mqMartinique 2
agAntigua and Barbuda 3
bmBermuda 1
cw 6
gaGabon 1
ggBailiwick of Guernsey 1
djDjibouti 1
pwPalau 1
tdChad 2
zz 10
liLiechtenstein 1